Mondiale kenniseconomie




* Zie ook: * 





Wet- en regelgeving, CAO's, verdragen, EU en OESO beleid –

Internationale ontwikkelingen, kritische organisaties, literatuur –



Globalisering – boeken, rapporten, artikelen





Raad van Europa


Multinationale bedrijfsleven – boeken, artikelen

Publieke sector

– competenties

– kerncompetenties

Private sector

– vaardigheden van de 21e eeuw

Quota – hoger opgeleiden

Wereldwijde harmonisering universitair onderwijs




Oftewel: de vermarkting van het onderwijs (en onderzoek).

Behoort ons cultureel erfgoed straks toe aan multinationale softwareondernemingen? Denk aan een bekende zoekmachine. Is er straks nog plaats voor 'Bildung'? Denk aan de nadruk op vaardigheden in het nieuwe onderwijs. Vindt er ‘one size fits all’ ideologische verkokering plaats? Denk aan de vorming tot mondiaal burger en werknemer. Vindt via het grootschalig en intensief verzamelen van gegevens een commercialisering van (en overheidsrecherche op) de persoonlijke levenssfeer plaats? Denk aan de digitalisering van leermiddelen. Hoe ver gaan de geopolitieke en economische aspiraties in ons onderwijs? Is het idealisme en/of economische overlevingsdrang? Is resultaat op lange termijn gegarandeerd? Voor wie? Of spreken we dan van een kennistekort? Wie of wat heeft invloed op de inhoud van de geopolitiek? Of betreft het slechts een nationale interpretatie van vermeende internationale verplichtingen, slim gebracht door belanghebbende ambtelijke en commerciële beroepsveranderaars aan nationale politiek en onderwijsbesturen?

Het nieuwe leren, de Nederlandse vertaling van ‘lifelong learning’ heeft ons reeds bereikt. Het beroepsonderwijs is doordrongen van competenties. Het primair en secundair onderwijs zullen spoedig volgen.

Probleempje: het EU-verdrag staat niet toe dat de Europese Unie in het nationale onderwijs ingrijpt. De oplossing is gevonden in het aannemen van ‘aanbevelingen’ (‘peer group pressure’) in plaats van ‘richtlijnen’ (dwingende implementatie in nationale wetgeving). ‘Monitoren’ en ‘benchmarken’ verhullen dat er wel degelijk druk van de aanbevelingen uitgaat.

De nationale parlementen, met name het vlotte Nederlandse, werken graag aan het Europese project mee. Sterker nog, Nederlandse wetenschappers, veelal in beleidsmatige of administratieve taken, bezetten op de ambtelijke achtergrond prominente plaatsen in het Europese onderwijsproject. De commerciële oliemannetjes zien brood op de plank. De onderwijsbestuurders zijn in staat strategische visies te ontvouwen en te implementeren op het onwillige voetvolk. Deze factoren dragen er toe bij dat de sluipende macht van de EU op ons nationale onderwijs wordt bestendigd. Het niveau van het onderwijs is vanwege een opeenstapeling van onhandig genomen besluiten gestaag gedaald. Hoe staat het met de algemene ontwikkeling, en bijvoorbeeld taal- en literatuurkennis? Wat is de inzetbare kennis van oud-leerlingen? Vraag het aan de docenten van de vervolgopleidingen, of de kersverse werkgevers (absoluut geen gelijkvormige groep ondanks EU-harmonisering van vaardigheden).

Dijsselbloem, van de kritische commissie Dijsselbloem over de onderwijsvernieuwingen, is inmiddels voorzitter van de Eurogroep. Ik vermoed dat er nog enkele grootscheepse nationale onderwijshervormingen zullen komen, als ik de kluwen websites van de EU bezoek. De toekomstige Verenigde Staten van Europa zullen het ‘global’ van de EU kenniseconomie – op Angelsaksische wijze uitgevoerd, zeg maar Amerikaanse wijze – moeten hebben, dus ons onderwijs blijft worden hervormd totdat het onherkenbaar veranderd is. Er zal van paradigma gewisseld moeten worden, zegt men. Een soort stuivertje wisselen van 'traditioneel onderwijs' (ganzeleverpastei) naar 'innovatief onderwijs' (zelf het wiel uitvinden, als het kan in groepsverband). Mensen die inhoudelijk tegenspreken doen de ‘democratisch genomen besluiten’ geweld aan, tenminste dat beweren de bestuurderen, totdat men zelf na tegenvallende resultaten draait. Het bedrijfsleven krijgt steeds meer toegang tot het onderwijs. Om producten te verkopen, of om met wetenschappers onderzoek te doen hetwelk ‘vermarkt’ kan worden.

Verlokkelijk, de mondiale mens. Overal hetzelfde onderwijs en dezelfde producten. Of toch niet?






Definitie (NL)

"Kenniseconomie (ook wel informatiemaatschappij) is een vrij abstract begrip uit de economie waarmee wordt bedoeld dat een significant deel van de economische groei in de samenleving voortkomt uit (technische) kennis. Het is een maatschappij waarin de productiefactor kennis een steeds belangrijkere plaats in neemt ten opzichte van arbeid, natuur en kapitaal (de drie traditionele productiefactoren). Dit past binnen de algemene verschuiving van arbeid in de landbouw via industrie naar diensten.

Door het toepassen van kennis is innovatie mogelijk, die op zijn beurt weer leidt tot nieuwe producten of diensten en daarmee economische groei mogelijk maakt.

Een van de speerpunten van de Europese Unie, en daarmee ook van Nederland en België, is om Europa in 2010 de meest kennisintensieve economie van de wereld te laten zijn. Dit is in 2000 vastgelegd in de Strategie van Lissabon.” (Wikipedia: neutraal/objectief/deskundig?)


Sympathisant: Lees ik (technische) kennis? Waar is het Nederlandse vaardighedenonderwijs dan op gebaseerd? Lees dat bij 'informatiemaatschappij', of onder de Engelstalige definitie hierna. Met de verwijzing naar 'information society', waarin 'informatie' van groot belang wordt geacht ontstaat de brug naar de vaardigheden, en daarmee naar computeronderwijs. We zijn weer thuis. 🙂



Definitie (Engelstalig)

"The knowledge economy is the use of knowledge technologies (such as knowledge engineering and knowledge management) to produce economic benefits as well as job creation. The phrase was popularized by Peter Drucker as the title of Chapter 12 in his book The Age of Discontinuity, and, with a footnote in the text, Drucker attributes the phrase to economist Fritz Machlup and its origins to the idea of "scientific management" developed by Frederick Winslow Taylor.

Other than the agricultural-intensive economies and labor-intensive economies, the global economy is in transition to a "knowledge economy," as an extension of an "information society" in the Information Age. The transition requires that the rules and practices that determined success in the industrial economy need rewriting in an interconnected, globalized economy where knowledge resources such as know-how and expertise are as critical as other economic resources."

"A key concept of the knowledge economy is that knowledge and education (often referred to as "human capital") can be treated as one of the following two:

  • A business product, as educational and innovative intellectual products and services can be exported for a high value return.
  • A productive asset

It can be defined as "The concept that supports creation of knowledge by organizational employees and helps and encourages them to transfer and better utilize their knowledge that is in line with company/organization goals". (Wikipedia: neutraal/objectief/deskundig?)


Sympathisant: In de omschrijving lees ik dat kennis en onderwijs ('menselijk kapitaal') in de zin van de kenniseconomie, een product met hoog rendement dan wel een bedrijfsmiddel, kunnen zijn. Kennisvorming staat ten dienste van een bedrijfs- of organisatorische doelstelling (resultaat).

Voornoemde economische definitie van kennis wordt gepropageerd door internationale organisaties (denk aan UNESCO, Wereldbank, en OESO), een lobby uit het – internationale – bedrijfsleven (aandeelhouderswaarde is leidend), commerciële adviesbureaus, overheden, en uiteraard ook de Europese (economische) Unie (tezamen met de VS). Westerse landen wedijveren met landen als Brazilië, Rusland, India en China ('economische blokken'). De EU is in 2004 (en later) uitgebreid vanwege – naast 'idealisme' – de opkomst van voornoemde BRIC-landen. Met de nieuwe Midden- en Oost-Europese lidstaten – MOE-landen – kan beter op kosten worden geconcurreerd. De internationale economie blijft volatiel.

Met de vergrijzing zou de EU zich slechts als mondiale innovatiekracht staande kunnen houden, meent men. In de eurocrisis blijft weinig van deze doelstelling overeind. EU-beleid is het onderwijs van individuele Europese landen te harmoniseren, zodat er één grote kenniseconomie kan ontstaan. Deze kan inhaken op een mondiale kenniseconomie waarvoor dezelfde referentiekaders en indicatoren zouden moeten gelden. De arbeidsmigratie binnen de Europese Unie (vnl. van oost, zuid naar noordwest) bedraagt circa 3 procent. Dit betreft niet enkel 'hoger opgeleiden'. Om wille van de internationale mobiliteit – in de Verenigde Staten verhuist men naar een andere staat voor een baan – wil men (ver)gelijk(baar)heid tussen Europese landen scheppen. West-Europese bedrijven kunnen zich bijvoorbeeld voor lagere (loon)kosten in Oost-Europa vestigen, terwijl werknemers uit Midden- en Oost-Europa zich als 'Unieburger' (of 'Gemeenschapsonderdaan') in West-Europa kunnen vestigen.

Zal eenvormig onderwijs de Europese mobiliteit versterken? Het nationale onderwijs wordt voor circa 3 procent arbeidsmigranten door technocraten op de schop gegooid. Was ons Nederlands onderwijs niet modern genoeg? Heeft het onderwijs geen diversiteit nodig, terwijl dit voor de maatschappij wordt toegejuicht? Europa is een oud continent dat aan een paradigmawisseling toe is, zegt men. Een 'level playing field' zou de innovatiekracht verhogen. Het (technisch) wetenschappelijk onderwijs, dat op hoog niveau altijd internationaal heeft geopereerd (vroeger was Latijn de voertaal), wordt om deze reden aan eenvormige kwantitatieve indicatoren blootgesteld. Kwaliteitsverhogend? Eerst de massalisering van het onderwijs sinds de jaren zestig van de vorige eeuw, en dan klagen dat de kwaliteit niet hoog genoeg is. Wat is de bedoeling? Na de Bolognaverklaring wil de EU richting een aantal private 'Ivy League' universiteiten in Europa, lijkt het. We hebben het over een EU met circa 500 miljoen mensen, 23 officiële talen, en verschillende onderwijssystemen.

OESO, PISA heeft het voortouw genomen door een klein afgebakend domein kennis internationaal eenvormig en op een bepaalde wijze te toetsen (vaardigheden zijn belangrijker dan kennis, denk aan 'lifelong learning'/Het Nieuwe Leren). De ideologie van OESO, PISA ten aanzien van dit deeldomein kennis wordt vervolgens door ministeries van onderwijs overgenomen terwijl men makkelijk afscheid denkt te kunnen nemen van een beproefd onderwijssysteem. Hierna wil wel eens een onderwijsprotestbeweging ontstaan die men eerst de kop probeert in te drukken ('reactionaire mensen'), en daarna probeert te negeren ('we gaan gewoon door'). De uitkomsten van onderwijshervormingen zijn in een aantal landen zichtbaar. De protesten zijn vergelijkbaar met hetgeen Beter Onderwijs Nederland aan de orde stelt. In deze blog zijn reacties in het Engels, Frans en Duits opgenomen.

Met private 'distance learning' proberen onderwijsinstellingen zich vooralsnog te onderscheiden. Imago en aantrekkingskracht op leerlingen en studenten zijn de nieuwe geloofsartikelen geworden. Het Nederlandse financieringsmodel is op het aantal leerlingen/studenten per instelling gebaseerd. Dit leidt tot het opleiden van hoge aantallen communicatiedeskundigen, bedrijfskundigen, juristen en economen, terwijl de afdeling (bèta)techniek wordt gesloten. Topsectorenbeleid? De afdeling (oude en moderne) talen gaat ondertussen in stilte ten onder, en daarmee de roemruchte talenkennis van de Nederlander. Nederland handels/kennisland staat er niet fraai op. Niet iedereen spreekt Engels. Economen en managers hebben hiernaast grote moeite met onnuttige geesteswetenschappen als kunstgeschiedenis en wijsbegeerte (tenzij het financiering oplevert).

Voornoemd economisch-optimistisch beleid heeft de 'civil society' waarin kennis met 'Bildung' overeen komt, op achterstand gezet. Het is in het oude Europa ouderwets naar vroeger te verwijzen. De EU klopt aan de deur (en staat al binnen). Het onderwijs in 'competenties' en 'skills' (vaardigheden) op alle niveaus van het onderwijs verschralen de menselijke ontwikkeling, sterker nog, heeft waarschijnlijk een contraproductief effect op de abstracte doelstelling 'kenniseconomie' (informatiemaatschappij). Wil de EU de teloorgang van het onderwijs in navolging van de Verenigde Staten in gang zetten? Alsof de Verenigde Staten met scholing niet al problemen genoeg heeft (hebben). (EU-uitbreiding), (EU-arbeidsmigratie),, (EU: circa 500 miljoen mensen, VS: circa 300 miljoen mensen), (23 officiële talen).  (Democratie: zetels per inwoners. Bijvoorbeeld: Nederland heeft 25 zetels in het Europees Parlement. Frankrijk, Italië, en VK hebben ieder 72 zetels, en Duitsland 99 zetels. Polen 50 zetels, en Roemenië 33 zetels). In de praktijk worden de besluiten in de Europese Commissie genomen met één eurocommissaris voor iedere lidstaat (de beleidsterreinen zijn met nu 27 lidstaten drastisch uitgebreid), Chronologie:

'Distance learning' in gratis 'moocs' ('massive open online course')/webcursussen,, en (Coursera), en, (Udacity). Wat wordt het verdienmodel van deze commerciële platforms? Zijn het commerciële onderwijsdiensten die wèl vallen onder WTO, GATS? Kunnen hiermee onderdelen van de onderwijswereld worden geprivatiseerd? Publiek-private samenwerking? Privatisering van door de belastingbetaler gefinancierd (cultureel) erfgoed? Zeg het maar. Het is een prachtige technologische ontwikkeling, en kan het reguliere onderwijs waarbij de relatie docent – leerling/student centraal staat waarschijnlijk niet vervangen. Daar zullen Coursera en Udacity over een paar jaar wel een andere mening over hebben.

Een voorbeeld van een (Amerikaanse) lobby bij de EU privacywetten, (BNR, 'Lobbyteksten letterlijk overgenomen in EP-amendementen', 21 februari 2013). Content is king, and data the emperor? (vrije vertaling van wat hier gebeurt; ondanks privacy klant is met data van klanten geld te verdienen). Zie vergelijking lobby-papieren en amendement,


Privacy in Nederland, ‘Kamer wil uitleg Dekker over privacy scholieren’, 26 november 2014

"Uit het PWC-onderzoek bleek dat bijna alle basisscholen persoonsgegevens van jonge kinderen verstrekken aan vier uitgevers, waaronder Malmberg en Noordhoff. Die koppelen de informatie vervolgens aan hun leerprestaties bij computerlesprogramma's."

"Dinsdag werd via RTL Nieuws bekend dat de scholen vorig jaar te horen zouden hebben gekregen dat ze geen digitaal lesmateriaal zouden krijgen als ze geen privégegevens van ouders en leerlingen zouden geven. Veel scholen hebben dat vervolgens gedaan zonder personeel, leerlingen en ouders te raadplegen. Daarmee zouden zowel de scholen als de uitgevers de Wet op bescherming van persoonsgegevens overtreden." Zie hier.

VOS/ABB, 'Uitgevers moeten privacy van leerlingen garanderen!', 26 november 2014

"De privacy van leerlingen moet in alle gevallen voor 100 procent gewaarborgd zijn. Dat benadrukt VOS/ABB naar aanleiding van een bericht van RTL Nieuws over uitgevers die basisscholen min of meer dwingen om persoonlijke gegevens van leerlingen af te staan. Binnenkort komt VOS/ABB met een modelcontract voor scholen om dat in het vervolg te voorkomen."








The coming of the post-industrial society, 1973

– Bell, D. (1973) The Coming of the Post-Industrial Society: A Venture in Social Forecasting, Middlesex: Penguin. –  

"In 1976, Daniel Bell’s historical work predicted a vastly different society developing—one that will rely on the “economics of information” rather than the “economics of goods.” Bell argued that the new society would not displace the older one but rather overlie some of the previous layers just as the industrial society did not completely eradicate the agrarian sectors of our society.

The post-industrial society’s dimensions would include the spread of a knowledge class, the change from goods to services and the role of women. All of these would be dependent on the expansion of services in the economic sector and an increasing dependence on science as the means of innovating and organizing technological change.

Bell prophetically stated in The Coming of the Post-Industrial Society that we should expect “… new premises and new powers, new constraints and new questions—with the difference that these are now on a scale that had never been previously imagined in world history.” –, en Daniel Bell,


The rise of the network society, 1996

– Castells, M. (1996) The Rise of the Network Society, London: Blackwell. 

"This book is an account of the economic and social dynamics of the new age of information. Based on research in USA, Asia, Latin America, and Europe, it aims to formulate a systematic theory of the information society which takes account of the fundamental effects of information technology on the contemporary world.

The global economy is now characterized by the almost instantaneous flow and exchange of information, capital and cultural communication. These flows order and condition both consumption and production. The networks themselves reflect and create distinctive cultures. Both they and the traffic they carry are largely outside national regulation. Our dependence on the new modes of informational flow gives enormous power to those in a position to control them to control us. The main political arena is now the media, and the media are not politically answerable." –, The Rise of the Network Society,,_Society_and_Culture, en Manuel Castells,



Globalisation, education and development, 2007

Department for International Development (DFID; British Government, led by a cabinet minister), copyright: Susan Robertson, Mario Novelli, Roger Dale, Leon Tikly, Hillary Dachi, Ndibelema Alphonce, ‘Globalisation, education and development: Ideas, Actors and Dynamics’, nr. 68, 2007

Four pillars knowledge-based economies:

"The World Bank has identified four pillars which they argue underpin knowledge-based economies: (i) information and infrastructures; (ii) economic incentive and institutional regime; (iii) innovation systems; and (iv) education and training for lifelong learning. These ideas are taken up in the World Bank’s policy-oriented reports on education (see for example the World Bank report Lifelong Learning for a Global Knowledge Economy) where they argue that knowledge based economies need to develop:

– a supportive economic and institutional regime which provides incentives for the efficient use of existing and new knowledge and the flourishing of entrepreneurship;

– an educated and skilled population to create, share and use knowledge;

– a dynamic information infrastructure to facilitate the effective communication, dissemination and processing of information; and

– an efficient innovation system of firms, research centres, universities, consultants, and other organisations to tap into the growing stock of global knowledge, assimilate and adapt it to local needs, and create new technology (World Bank 2003: 2). p. 117 (i.e. p. 150 pdf)

Chapter 7: The knowledge-based economy and lifelong learning; 7.3 The four pillars of the knowledge economy; 7.3.1 Pillar 1 – information and infrastructures:

“International organisations, such as the OECD and the World Bank, have major programmes promoting digital technologies in education. According to the World Bank reports (2003), technology is the means for reaching more learners, as well as paving the way for the entry of a new range of private providers into the provision of learning, such as the large transnational firms and organisations, such as Cisco Learning Systems, Microsoft, Phoenix International. Most significantly, private providers are viewed as having the capability to transform education in low-income countries, while the role of the state is to ensure that “risk averse and liquidity or wealth constrained learners and companies do not under-invest in learning” (ibid.: 78).” (p. 120, i.e. p. 153 pdf) –

INHOUD: Chapter 7 [p. 117 (150 in pdf) – 139 (172 in pdf)]: The knowledge-based economy and lifelong learning; 7.1 Introduction; 7.2 Locating the idea of knowledge-based economies; 7.3 The four pillars of the knowledge economy; 7.3.1 Pillar 1 – information and infrastructures; figure 7.1 number of internet users in 2003; figure 7.2 the number of personal computers in 2002; 7.3.2 Pillar 2 – economic and institutional regimes; 7.3.3 Pillar 3 – knowledge and innovation systems; national systems of innovation (NSI); technology and capacity; figure 7.3 technology competitiveness; figure 7. 4 capacity competitiveness; figure 7.5 technology and capacity competitiveness; 7.3.4 Pillar 4 – knowledge, skills and lifelong learning; Table 7.1 characteristics of traditional and lifelong learning models; 7.4 Issues; 7.4.1 knowledge economy or knowledge society?; table 7.2: comparing knowledge economy 1 and 2 with knowledge society discourses; 7.4.2 brain drain or brain gain?; 7.5 Conclusions – (via, of, DFID,




Globalization and the incorporation of education

– M.K. Smith (YMCA George Williams college, London; community education, University of Strathclyde), ‘Globalization and the incorporation of education’, infed, 2002

“Schools and colleges have, for example, become sites for branding and the targets of corporate expansion. Many policymakers automatically look to market 'solutions'. The impact and pervasiveness of these forces of globalization also means that they should be a fundamental focus for education and learning – but there are powerful currents running against honest work in this area. In this article we will explore some of what we believe to be the more significant aspects with regard to the practice and experience of education.

These include:

– Commodification and the corporate takeover of education.

– The threat to the autonomy of national educational systems by globalization.

– De-localization and changing technologies and orientations in education.

– Branding, globalization and learning to be consumers.” (of:, en  [uitwerking van invalshoek ‘informal learning’ van website, zie discussie onder]


Questioning Lifelong Learning for All

– K. Rubenson , *Adults' Readiness to Learn: Questioning Lifelong Learning for All*, 1998, Canada of *via*.

“Policy documents from various nations, as well as reports from intergovernmental organisations e.g. the European Union, OECD, and UNESCO, uniformly promote lifelong learning as the foundation for adult educational and training policy. In 1994, *UNESCO* chose Lifelong Learning for All for its midterm strategy covering the period 1996-2001. In the same year, the *OECD* conference of ministers of education proposed that member countries adopt "making lifelong learning a reality for all" as a priority for the ensuing five year period.”

“Driven by a different ideology with different goals and dreams the idea reappeared. in the latter part of the 1980s. Judging from national policy documents as well as those coming from *intergovernmental organizations* like EU, OECD and UNESCO it is evident that lifelong learning has become the New Jerusalem by promising to solve some of the economic and social problems facing the industrialized world. The discourse on the second generation of lifelong learning is, at its core, almost exclusively structured around an "economistic" world view. … Instead the concerns are with accountability, standards, relevance to the needs of the economy and cost effectiveness.”


Schools have become snazzier but shallower

– Alex Standish (primary and secondary teacher, UK; associate professor of geography, Western Connecticut State University, USA), ‘Schools have become snazzier but shallower’ (after 10 years away, an educationalist returns to Britain to find better-looking schools but some very weird lessons), Spiked Online, 31 January 2013

“With the new corporate culture of London’s schools, knowledge is being marginalised, reduced to packageable components that can be consumed in one lesson and divorced from the knower. This is management-style schooling, not education. Learning is more complex than ticking off boxes for learning objectives, one lesson at a time. So, three cheers for the new buildings and smart technology – but ultimately children will only be inspired by new ideas and powerful theories, not by managerial prowess and technical competence.”, en Alex Standish,


Bildung als Anpassung? Das Kompetenz-Konzept im Kontext einer ökonomisierten Bildung

– Prof. dr. Jochen Krautz (Institut für Schulpädagogik und Lehrerbildung, Alanus Hochschule für Kunst und Gesellschaft, Bonn), ‘Bildung als Anpassung? Das Kompetenz-Konzept im Kontext einer ökonomisierten Bildung’, Fromm Forum 13/2009

“Es hat sich in der Bildungsdiskussion in Deutschland etabliert, pädagogische und bildungspolitische Fragen mit immer ähnlichen Rezepten zu beantworten, die jedoch nicht aus der Pädagogik oder der Bildungstheorie stammen, sondern weitgehend der Ökonomie entliehen sind.” (…)

“Um das zu erreichen, wird ein Forderungskatalog aufgestellt: Englisch bereits im Kindergarten; Lehrer sollen nur befristet eingestellt und leistungsbezogen bezahlt werden; nicht nur das Abitur, sondern  fächerspezifische Tests sollen die Eintrittskarte für die Hochschulen sein, mit dem besonderen Hinweis, dass diese Tests auch von privaten Testfirmen angeboten werden könnten.”, Jochen Krautz,, en Gesellschaft für Bildung und Wissen,


Global educational reform movement is here

– Pasi Sahlberg, ‘Global educational reform movement is here’ (GERM), Finland.

“GERM has emerged since the 1980s and has increasingly become adopted as a educational reform orthodoxy within many education systems throughout the world, including in the U.S., England, Australia and some transition countries. Tellingly, GERM is often promoted through the interests of international development agencies and private enterprises through their interventions in national education reforms and policy formulation.”

“Since the 1980s, at least five globally common features of education policies and reform principles have been employed to try to improve the quality of education and fix the apparent problems in public education systems.

First is standardization of education.”

“A second common feature of GERM is focus on core subjects in school, in other words, on literacy andnumeracy, and in same case science.”

“The third characteristic that is easily identifiable in global education reforms is the search for low-risk ways to reach learning goals.”

“The fourth globally observable trend in educational reform is use of corporate management models as a main driver of improvement.”

“The fifth global trend is adoption of test-based accountability policies for schools.”, [Nederlandse betekenis van Engelse woord 'germ' is o.m. – ziekteverwekkende – microbe], (2012), en (site van Nederlandse cursusindustrie), (met ‘reviews’), TEDtalk, 27 juni 2012,–9Zg_0, en

Voor de liefhebbers: interview Luc Stevens met Pasi Sahlberg, over Finse lessen en het Nederlandse onderwijs, (8 stuks). Onvoorstelbaar hoe ver Nederland van het pad af is. Moeten we naar Finland luisteren? Stevens, u heeft er zelf schuld aan met dat HNL-gewauwel.


Pasi Sahlberg: the Finnish school system – killing the GERMs

– Brits ministerie van onderwijs, ‘Pasi Sahlberg: the Finnish school system – killing the GERMs’, 14 juni 2013

“Pasi described the current education policies followed by many of the world's nations as being infected with ‘global education reform movement (GERM)’ which had the following symptoms:

  1. competition – believed in England and the USA to be a key factor in reform
  2. standardisation – higher expectations for everyone, prescribed curriculum and expected outcomes
  3. test-based accountability – common around the world and tied to accountability, to the point where it relates to career and salary
  4. choice – a belief that parental choice will increase competition and raise quality.”


Pasi Sahlberg beschrijft een internationale beweging, die hij als GERM ('microbe' of noem het 'virus') beschrijft, welke samenhangt met HNL (‘lifelong learning’) vanwege de bedrijfsmatige en instrumentele opvatting van onderwijs, oorspronkelijk uit Angelsaksische landen (denk aan PISA, TIMMS, PIRLS), met als gevolg ‘teaching to the test’. Hij heeft het boek ‘Finnish lessons’ (2012) – vertaald in NL 2013 – geschreven, vanuit de overtuiging – denk aan de hoge scores bij OESO, PISA, en de EU – dat Finland een zeer goed onderwijssysteem heeft. De voorgaande tekst heb ik opgenomen om een overzicht van de internationale ontwikkelingen te scheppen, en niet om het Finse systeem te propageren. Sahlberg is op permanente internationale tournee – inclusief onvermijdelijke TEDtalk – om het goede nieuws uit Finland aan de mensen te vertellen. Kenmerken van Finland: dunbevolkt, homogene bevolking, kleine klassen, academisch opgeleide docenten, middenschool, kinderen voor speciaal onderwijs bij bepaalde vakken in kleine groepjes apart onderwezen. Finland was jarenlang het boegbeeld van gelijkhebberige sociologen van sociaal-democratische huize. Deze 'wetenschappelijke' sociologen veronachtzaamden categorisch de grote verschillen tussen Nederland en Finland. HNL-goeroe Luc Stevens heeft Sahlberg ook al gevonden. Waarschijnlijk omdat Stevens het testen van mensen verafschuwt.

Nederland heeft een andere onderwijstraditie dan Finland, en kon om over de internationale lijstjes te spreken, vroeger uitstekend meekomen op het internationale podium. “Voorbij, voorbij, o, en voorgoed voorbij” (naar J.C. Bloem). Waarom moeten we tegenwoordig eigenlijk over internationale lijstjes spreken? ‘De internationale kenniseconomie’? Eerst rent Nederland achter de Verenigde Staten en de Europese Unie aan, en komt vervolgens – tezamen met critici van het zieltogende VS onderwijssysteem (veralgemeniseerd), en (nog niet) de EU – tot de conclusie dat die onderwijsmethoden niet werken. Het is een puinhoop. Nederland is importeur van bètamensen geworden, terwijl het dankzij het gedegen onderwijssysteem in het verleden enkele Nobelprijzen voor exacte vakken op de naam heeft staan. Veel westerse landen innoveren òf via investeringen in buitenlandse ‘Silicon Valleys’, òf met kennismigranten. De politiek zegt in navolging van het bedrijfsleven dat Nederland slechts een handelsland (‘VOC’) is, terwijl de glorieuze kennis voor de maakindustrie is weggesaneerd en gedemonstreerd (want: eng, vies, en onderscheidend).


Kritiek op onderwijssociologen

– Debat met Jaap Dronkers in de Onderwijskrant*, Vlaanderen, 10 maart 2014 (via*); ook.

"Socioloog Dronkers bevestigt kritiek op egalitaire ideologie en dubieuze SES- interpretaties Vlaamse onderwijssociologen & beleidsverantwoordelijken."

"Prof. Jaap Dronkers publiceerde op 8 maart j.l. een opiniestuk als bijdrage  in het debat dat ontstaan is naar aanleiding van de kritiek van Onderwijskrant, prof. Wim Van den Broeck, prof. Wouter Duyck … op de egalitaire ideologie en de dubieuze SES-interpretaties van Vlaamse sociologen en beleidsverantwoordelijken. Dronkers verduidelijkt dat sociologen zelf aanleiding gaven tot de kritiek dat sociologen  ervan uitgaan dat ouderlijk milieu en intelligentie niet samenhangen (zie punt 3) en al te vlug  stellige uitspraken doen omtrent sociale discriminatie en onderwijsstelsels (omtrent de vele zegeningen van een gemeenschappelijke lagere cyclus s.o. , van heterogene klassen …)"





The false promise of global learning

– Alex Standish (over 10 years primary and secondary teacher UK, associate professor of geography, Western Connecticut State University, USA), ‘The false promise of global learning: why education needs boundaries’, Continuum, UK, 2012

“Through the language of global learning, education is being reformed by corporations, political activists, and policy makers. Academic subject-based knowledge has been cast as elitist and outdated for a rapidly-changing world. The curriculum has been colonized in the name of teaching skills and attitudes for the global market and global citizenship. Can young people effectively contribute to society without an education in academic knowledge?”

"The False Promise of Global Learning demonstrates that the nature and purpose of education has become confused with social, economic, political, and therapeutic aims, and that control over the curriculum has been taken away from teachers and communities. This is a hard-hitting work that will resonate with all who have a stake in how – and why – we educate our children.", en Alex Standish,  

Globale Eliten, lokale Autoritäten: Bildung und Wissenschaft unter dem Regime von PISA, McKinsey & Co. 

– Richard Münch, ‘Globale Eliten, lokale Autoritäten: Bildung und Wissenschaft unter dem Regime von PISA, McKinsey & Co.’, Suhrkamp Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, 2009

“Ob es um Lehrpläne für Gymnasien geht oder um die Privatisierung öffentlicher Leistungen: Überall auf der Welt sind lokale Autoritäten wie Kommunalpolitiker oder Lehrer mit standardisierten, angeblich wissenschaftlichen Rezepten konfrontiert. Vorgegeben werden sie von einer globalen Beraterelite. Mit den Problemen, die entstehen, wenn auf dem Land die Müllabfuhr privatisiert oder generell Bildung auf die Bereitstellung von Humankapital reduziert wird, müssen die Verantwortlichen jedoch alleine zurechtkommen. Richard Münch, einer der international renommiertesten deutschen Soziologen, untersucht die Mechanismen hinter der globalen Standardisierung lokaler Lebenswelten.”, en Richard Münch,


Ware Bildung: Schule und Universität unter dem Diktat der Ökonomie 

– Prof. dr. Jochen Krautz (Institut für Schulpädagogik und Lehrerbildung, Alanus-Hochschule für Kunst und Gesellschaft, Bonn), ‘Ware Bildung: Schule und Universität unter dem Diktat der Ökonomie', 2007

“Bildung ist das Thema der Zeit. Ob PISA-Panik, Elitendebatte, neue Studiengänge oder Beschwörung der Disziplin – Schulen und Universitäten stehen mitten im Reformgewitter. Der Markt diktiert, welches Wissen wirklich relevant ist. Dagegen wehrt sich die junge Generation. Der Erziehungswissenschaftler Jochen Krautz entlarvt die ökonomische Ausrichtung der deutschen Bildungspolitik. Anhand zahlreicher Beispiele – vom Kindergarten bis zur Hochschule – zeigt der Autor, wie die Bildung zur Ware schrumpft. Die Streitschrift analysiert diesen Prozess in seiner ganzen Tragweite, benennt die dafür Verantwortlichen und plädiert für eine Pädagogik, in deren Mittelpunkt wieder der Mensch steht.”, Jochen Krautz,, en Gesellschaft für Bildung und Wissen,


Globalisation and the fear of homogenisation in education

– Bob Lingard (school of education, University of Queensland, Australia, also at University of Edinburgh and University of Sheffield, UK), Fazal Rizvi (education policy, Monash University, Australia), ‘Globalisation and the fear of homogenisation in education’, in: ‘Change: transformations in education’ (tijdschrift), vol. 1, no. 1, May 1998

“There is the often-repeated suggestion of political imperatives that determine the policy converging. Further still, there is genuine community fear about the homogenisation, read as Americanisation, of national identities and cultures. In this paper, we explore the extent to which this fear of homogenisation is justified, especially as it relates to education policy-making.”, Robert Lingard,, en Fazal Rizvi,, en het tijdschrift ‘change’ enz,


The last professors: the corporate university and the fate of the humanities 

– Frank Donoghue, ‘The last professors: the corporate university and the fate of the humanities’,  2008

“Yet in today's market-driven, rank- and ratings-obsessed world of higher education, corporate logic prevails: faculties are to be managed for optimal efficiency, productivity, and competitive advantage; casual armies of adjuncts and graduate students now fill the demand for teachers.”, en


L’imposture scolaire

– Alain Planche (assistant agrégé en sciences économiques et sociales, groupe de recherche en économie théorique et appliquée, université Montesquieu, Bordeaux IV), ‘L’imposture scolaire. La destruction organisée de notre système éducatif par ladoctrine des (in)competences.’ , Essai, Presses universitaires de Bordeaux, 30 août 2012, 254 p., ISBN13 9782867817748

[Alain Planche, ‘Het onderwijsbedrog. De georganiseerde vernietiging van ons onderwijssysteem door de doctrine van de (in)competentie.’, 2012]

“La doctrine qui a présidé à la destruction organisée de l’école républicaine, dont les principes ne subsistent plus qu’à l’état d’incantations, ne repose en effet sur aucune assise rationnelle. Il s’agit même d’une véritable mystification puisque ces fameuses compétences évaluables n’ont aucune existence vérifiable, que ce soit dans les enquêtes internationales comme PISA ou dans les évaluations nationales de la direction statistique du ministère." (boekomslag, zie eerste link)

“Non seulement la mise en oeuvre de la doctrine se révèle catastrophique dans ses résultats alors qu’elle se prétend salvatrice, mais la notions de compétence mesurable sur laquelle elle repose ne correspond à aucune réalité tangible.

La conclusion générale est donc assez évidente: cette doctrine n’est qu’une imposture. Reste à comprendre comment, deux siècles après les Lumières, la société française a pu tomber dans un tel degré d’obscurantisme. (…) Ils bénéficient du soutien actif de grands mouvements politiques et syndicaux d’obédiences diverses, ainsi que d’universitaires influents, et ils ont réussi à endormir les classes moyennes en les persuadant que la doctrine servait leurs intérêts. Le réveil risque d’être douloureux, mais ce sont surtout les catégories les plus populaires qui sont déjà, et seront encore plus demain, les grandes perdantes.” (Introduction, p. 17)

“Au contraire, l’idéologie néolibérale, tout aussi utopique, tend, au nom d’une liberté de façade, à enfermer l’individu dans sa condition d’origine et à le maintenir dans un état de pauvreté intellectuelle qui le rend particulièrement vulnérable à tous les fanatismes et toutes les manipulations, que celles-ci soient politiques ou commerciales.” (Conclusion, p. 234)

– Inhoud: Introduction; 1. Le matin des pharisiens; 2. Le niveau monte Ou L'apologie de la massification; 3. Niveau d'exigence et objectifs d'enseignement; 4. L'émergence de la doctrine des compétences; 5. La doctrine des compétences face à ses prétentions : un échec complet; 6. Les compétences à l'épreuve de la mesure; Conclusion. – (résumé; sommaire; détails) of of en Alain Planche,

Zie: inleiding van ‘Wilmont’: en [eerste tekstblok onder het artikel]


If you’re so smart, why aren’t you rich?

– Chris Lorenz (redactie), ‘If you’re so smart, why aren’t you rich? Universiteit, markt en management’, Boom, november 2008

“De directe aanleiding voor dit boek is de crisis van het onderwijs, die zichtbaar wordt in een aanhoudende kwaliteitsdaling, in diploma-inflatie én in stijgende collegegelden. Daarnaast biedt de economische stagnatie redenen om stil te staan bij de vrije markt als heilsmiddel voor de publieke sector.”

Auteurs: Herman Philipse, Chris Lorenz, John Morijn, Grahame Lock, René Boomkens, René Gabriëls, Ad Verbrugge, Andrea Liesner, Ruben Rambour, Margit Osterloh, Bruno Frey, Vincent Icke, Louise Fresco, Thomas von der Dunk en André Klukhuhn., en Chris Lorenz,



– Simon Rooze (BA philosophy, MA European Studies), ‘If you’re so smart, why aren’t you richt? Universiteit, markt en management’, Amsterdam Law Forum, vol 2, no 3 (2010)

Introduction; I Globalisation and liberalisation of higher education in the Netherlands;  II The problem of quality standards;  III The knowledge society: professors as processors; IV The autonomous university?; Conclusion (plus notenapparaat), en Simon Rooze,


– Hans Radder (natuurkundige; filosoof; hoogleraar filosofie wetenschap en technologie, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam), ‘Hoe herwin je ‘de ziel van de wetenschap’? Academisch onderzoek en universitaire kenniseconomie’, Academische Boekengids, ABG 75 (2009)

“In de afgelopen jaren is een groeiende stroom kritische publicaties verschenen over de dominantie van markt en management in de universitaire wetenschap. Maar wat veelal ontbreekt, is een concreet perspectief op verandering: hoe kom je van een kritische diagnose tot een effectieve therapie?”, en Hans Radder,


– Ewald Engelen (hoogleraar Financiële geografie, UvA), ‘Schop de uitvreters de tempel uit!’, De Groene Amsterdammer, 4 februari 2009

“Critici van de belabberde toestand van de universiteit hebben een geromantiseerd beeld van de teloorgegane alma mater. Het echte probleem is dat het hoger onderwijs alleen in naam meritocratisch is. Met verwende academici als gevolg.”, en Ewald Engelen, of Twitter,






WTO, Education Services

World Trade Organisation (WTO), services sectors, education services

“Education services are included in the new services negotiations, which began January 2000.”

“The mandate: principles of trade in education services are contained, like for all services, in the GATS.”




General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS)

“(b) services” includes any service in any sector except services supplied in the exercise of governmental authority;

(c) a service supplied in the exercise of governmental authority” means any service which is supplied neither on a commercial basis, nor in competition with one or more service suppliers.”, GATS, Fact and Fiction,



Zie voor onderwijs als dienst (‘trade in services’):

– Wet- en regelgeving, CAO's, verdragen, EU en OESO beleid






WTO: bad news for public education, 2000

Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE), ‘WTO: bad news for public education’, 2000, geeft een overzicht:


Negotiating trade in educational services, 2003

Raymond Saner, Sylvie Fasel, ‘Negotiating trade in educational services within the WTO/GATS context’, Aussenwirtschaft, 59. Jahrgang (2003), Heft II, Zürich: Rüegger, S. 275–308,, of via: (discussion papers, trade in educational services), Asia Pacific Academic Recognition Network (APARNET),


The regulation of education through the WTO/GATS, 2005

– Angela C. de Siqueira (education policies, multilateral agencies; vice-coordinator Master and PhD programs in education, Universidade Federal Fluminense, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), ‘The regulation of education through the WTO/GATS’, the journal for critical education policy studies (JCEPS), volume 3, number 1 (March 2005)

[extreem links, ook wel eens verfrissend? ;)]


This paper focuses on the growing interest of ‘entrepreneurial groups’ in the field of education. It refers to the large amount of resources involved in education, and critically analyses the inclusion of education as a `service’ on the current agenda of the General Agreement on Trade in Services, as a World Trade Organisation directive.

To this end, the paper analyses the WTO and GATS’ documents, as well as proposals presented by various countries, demonstrating their interests in eliminating “barriers” to “free trade” in education. The text points out that the existence of national regulations and even the offer of public education can be challenged as practices that are harmful to the “free” offer of educational services and subject to WTO sanctions, allowing business groups to demand public resources and other benefits. Should GATS succeed, it runs the risk of converting education from a subjective public right into a process of simple commercialisation of educational packages (e.g. courses, evaluation and certification systems, textbooks, maps, uniforms, etc). It concludes that such a perspective clearly endangers national sovereignty and autonomy, leading potentially to the loss of cultural diversity and local values, to the benefit of a process of cultural homogeneity. Notwithstanding, the emergence of movements opposed to this tendency is also highlighted.”


Services liberation in the WTO: implications for public services in Europe

– Werner Raza (economist, European and international affairs, chamber of labour Vienna/Austria; lecturer of Economics and B.A, Vienna University, Wien, Austria), ‘Services Liberalisation in the WTO: Implications for Public Services in Europe’, international conference, European consortium for political research (ECPR) standing group on regulatory governance, University college Utrecht, June 2008


Liberalisation of public services cannot only be implemented via autonomous legislative action by nation states, but also as a consequence of obligations arising from supra- or international organisations. In this paper, we will try to analyse how the process of the commodification of services at the level of the WTO, i.e. via the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS), interacts with the politics of trade and services liberalisation in the European Union. Thus, we will try to highlight the specific role of services negotiations in the WTO for the political dynamics of liberalising public services in the EU. Our conclusions highlight three specific functions of the GATS agreement: firstly it serves as an institutional mechanism to lock-in liberalisations achieved at a national or European level, secondly it exercises a disciplinary effect on national regulation, and thirdly, it provides an additional platform for the application of forum-shifting in the politics of international trade.”

“It must not be forgotten, however, that the economic and political forces that shape the agenda of the WTO, and the GATS in particular, are ultimately nation states. Thus, given the distribution of competences with regard to the common commercial policy, both the Member States of the European Union and the European Commission should be equally the focus of critical academic enquiry and of political action by trade unions and other organisations of civil society.”, of via, Utrecht 2008, C.5 ( en Werner Raza, of







"De UNESCO is opgericht op 16 november 1945 en haar hoofdkantoor staat in Parijs."


“The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations (UN).”

“UNESCO’s aim is "to contribute to the building of peace, the eradication of poverty, sustainable development and intercultural dialogue through education, the sciences, culture, communication and information".

Other priorities of the Organization include attaining quality education for all and lifelong learning, addressing emerging social and ethical challenges, fostering cultural diversity, a culture of peace and building inclusive knowledge societies through information and communication.

The broad goals and concrete objectives of the international community—as set out in the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)—underpin all UNESCO’s strategies and activities.”


Politieke organisatie

"Some countries withdrew from the Organization for political reasons at various points in time, but they have today all rejoined UNESCO. South Africa was absent from 1957 to 1994, the United States of America between 1985 to 2003, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from 1986 to 1997 and Singapore from 1986 to 2007."




*Geschiedenis* (ongeautoriseerd)



Faure report – 'Learning to be', 1972

“In 1972, *UNESCO* released the *Faure* report titled “Learning To Be”. In this report, *UNESCO* outlines *their vision* of what they titled “education permanente”, or permanent (i.e. lifelong) education, as encompassing the whole life span, being inclusive of different social sectors, occurring across different formal and informal settings (home, communities, workplaces), and addressing a broad range of social, cultural, and economic purposes ..”

Permanent (i.e. lifelong) education


Delors report – 'Learning the treasure within', 1996

“The *UNESCO's* “Learning the Treasure Within”, 1996 (or *Delors*) report represented a major shift in the focus of lifelong learning. This *report* claims that *lifelong learning* is based on *four pillars*: learning to live together, learning to be, learning to know, and learning to do … The concepts of “learning to live together” and “learning to be” attempt to address social goals such as civic participation, social cohesion and democratic processes. On the other hand, the concepts “Learning to know” and learning to do” address economic imperatives such as building a highly skilled and competitive workforce . These last two “pillars” were given the most emphasis in the UNESCO report.”

Lifelong learning – Four pillars:

Social goals

– Learning to live together

– Learning to be

Economic imperatives (most emphasis in 1996 report)

– Learning to know

– Learning to do







Doelstelling: leningen aan zich ontwikkelende landen

"The World Bank is one of four institutions created at the Bretton Woods Conference in 1944. The International Monetary Fund (IMF), a related institution, is another. Delegates from many countries attended the Bretton Woods Conference. The most powerful countries in attendance were the United States and United Kingdom, which dominated negotiations.

Although both are based in Washington, D.C., the World Bank is traditionally headed by a citizen of the United States while the IMF is led by a European citizen."

"The Marshall Plan of 1947 caused lending by the bank to change as many European countries received aid that competed with World Bank loans. Emphasis was shifted to non-European countries; and, until 1968, loans were earmarked for projects that would enable a borrower country to repay loans (such projects as ports, highway systems, and power plants)." 


"The World Bank is an international financial institution that provides loans to developing countries for capital programs.

The World Bank's official goal is the reduction of poverty. According to the World Bank's Articles of Agreement (as amended effective 16 February 1989), all of its decisions must be guided by a commitment to promote foreign investment, international trade, and facilitate capital investment. " (Wikipedia: neutraal/objectief?)




Lifelong learning for a global knowledge economy, 2003

World Bank (2003) Lifelong Learning for a Global Knowledge Economy, Washington, DC –

Inhoud: 1 The knowledge economy and the changing needs of the labor market; Implications of the knowledge economy for education and training; Human capital and knowledge as sources of economic growth; The state of education in developing countries and transition economies; Increased demand for skills; Women, technology, and education; Employer demands and private education; Sector responses;

2 Transforming learning; Equipping learners with the skills and competencies they need to succeed in a knowledge economy; Changing the way people learn; Expanding learning opportunities; The importance of career guidance and counselling; Conclusion;

3 Governing the lifelong learning system; Trends in governance; Framework for quality assurance; Increasing equity; Conclusion;

4 Options for financing lifelong learning; The growing need to support lifelong learning; Principles for financing lifelong learning; Policy options for financing learning beyond the core competencies; Policy options for financing training and nontraditional Learning; Financing lifelong learning in developing countries and transition economies; Conclusion;

5 Moving forward; Benchmarking national systems of lifelong learning; The permanent nature of change; The World Bank’s support for lifelong learning;

References; Index; Figures; Tables; Boxes (competenties)


Education For All – Quality Universal Primary Education, Framework, 2004   

World Bank (2004a) Education For All – Fast Track Initiative: Accelerating Progress Towards Quality Universal Primary Education, Framework 2004, Washington, DC. 



Technology in schools: education, ICT and the knowledge society, 2004

World Bank (2004b) Technology in Schools: Education, ICT and the Knowledge Society –



OESO – Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) 


Economische doelstelling

“The OECD originated in 1948 as the Organisation for European Economic Co-operation (OEEC),(…), to help administer the Marshall Plan (…) by allocating American financial aid and implementing economic programs for the reconstruction of Europe after World War II, (…), the American recovery program in Europe was the most successful one that continued for the re-organization of OEEC to OECD. "

“In the 1950s, the OEEC provided the framework for negotiations aimed at determining conditions for setting up a European Free Trade Area, to bring the European Economic Community of the six and the other OEEC members together on a multilateral basis.” [daana: 'enlargement', enz.],


Aan OESO, PISA hebben 76 landen, waarvan circa 36 OESO-lid, in de loop der tijd op een of andere wijze meegedaan. Zinvol om naar het gras van de buren te kijken, terwijl ons voorheen uitstekende onderwijs wordt afgebroken. Bij OESO heet dat overigens: 'participating countries/economies', Nederland deed toch al aardig mee? Waarom afzwakken naar een lager niveau? 'Gelijkheid'? De 'kenniseconomie' is er in ieder geval niet mee gediend. 

Definitie 'kenniseconomie' uit Wikipedia: "Kenniseconomie (ook wel informatiemaatschappij) is een vrij abstract begrip uit de economie waarmee wordt bedoeld dat een significant deel van de economische groei in de samenleving voortkomt uit (technische) kennis.", Technische kennis?! Dat is toch slecht voor de mensen?! 😉






Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI)

– Prof. Dirk van Damme (onderwijssocioloog, studie en promotie onderwijswetenschappen; hoofd van de afdeling innovatie en voortgangsmeting van de OESO) – in beeld bij UNESCO.

Dirk Van Damme* is currently Head* of the Innovation and Measuring Progress Division (IMEP), which covers both the Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI) and the Indicators of Educational Systems (INES) programme, in the OECD Directorate for Education and Skills.”

Onderwerpen van ERI:  Education and Social ProgressGoverning Complex Education Systems (GCES); Innovative Learning Environments; Innovation Strategy for Education and Training; Innovative Teaching for Effective Learning; CERI's Activities; Links; Who's Who in CERI; CERI Brochure; CERI Contact; Meetings and Conferences.



PISA – Programme for International Student Assessment


A new framework, 1999

“The publication was prepared by the Statistics and Indicators Division of the Directorate for Education, Employment, Labour and Social affairs, principally Andreas Schleicher.” 

“The design and implementation of the surveys, within the framework established by the Board of Participating Countries, is the responsibility of an international consortium led by the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER). Other partners in this consortium include the Netherlands National Institute for Educational Measurement (CITO), (…).” 

“The OECD/PISA frameworks, described below, have been developed by expert panels under the direction of the ACER. (…), the mathematics panel was chaired by Professor Jan de Lange of the University of Utrecht, (…). The frameworks were finally adopted by OECD governments, through the Board of Participating Countries.” p. 17 

“Although the domains of reading literacy, mathematical literacy and scientific literacy correspond to school subjects, the OECD assessments will not primarily examine how well students have mastered the specific curriculum content. Rather, they aim at assessing the extent to which young people have acquired the wider knowledge and skills in these domains that they will need in adult life. The assessment of cross-curricular competencies has, therefore, been made an integral part of OECD/PISA.”

OECD 1999, PISA, Measuring student knowledge and skills, A new framework for assessment, Schleicher zit o.m. in adviesraad voor ATC21S,


Prof. dr. Jan de Lange, Freudenthal Instituut Utrecht, o.m. lid van de MSEB, the Mathematical Sciences Education Board van de OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA),

"Chairman of the Mathematical Functional Expert Group of the OECD PISA Project. This OECD project is seeking for indicators for student achievement on mathematical literacy. As chairman of this commission he had a considerable influence in the writing process of the OECD Framework for mathematics, published in 1999, with revisions in 2003 and 2006 and considered as very influential, as more than fifty countries have adapted this framework by participating in PISA.",


CITO: "Growth and diversification – As a result of changes in the law, Cito was privatised on January 1st, 1999. From that moment on Cito became active not only in education, but also in business and government. As a natural extension of its growing role, Cito has broadened its offerings to serve the international community. Cito is now operating in Germany, the USA and Turkey and is in the process of establishing operations in a number of other countries, including Japan and South Korea." (‘the history of CITO’)


PISA: Schleicher; CITO; Freudenthal Instituut.


The Dutch approach to mathematics teaching

"The almost legendary effectiveness of the Dutch approach to mathematics teaching;”


“Freudenthal’s emphasis on having the student draw the principles of math from real life and on applying what he or she is learning to real life have carried over into other aspects of the Dutch curriculum, which is generally very well thought of among observers around the world. In many other countries with a strong curriculum, one can see that the Ministry is clearly in charge and the source of the curriculum. But in the Netherlands, consistent with the Polder mentality, the broad agreement on curriculum appears to be a result of the Dutch consensus-building process. Because that is so, once a consensus is reached, it becomes very easy to implement, because it arose organically, as it were, from within the system, rather than being imposed on it.” [Center on International Educational Benchmarking (NCEE), Top performing countries, Netherlands], en Freudenthal Instituut, 


PISA according to PISA. Does PISA keep what it promises? , 2007

– Stefan Thomas Hopmann, Gertrude Brinek, Martin Retzl (Hg./Eds.), ‘PISA zufolge PISA – PISA according to PISA. Hält PISA, was es verspricht? – Does PISA keep what it promises?’, Wien, Berlin, 2007

Inhoud: Introduction: PISA according to PISA – does PISA keep what it promises?; What does PISA really assess? What does it not? A French view; Testfähigkeit – was ist das?; PISA – an example of the use and misuse of large-scale comparative tests; Language-based item analysis – problems in intercultural comparisons; England: poor survey response and no sampling of teaching groups; Disappearing students PISA and students with disabilities; Identification of group differences using PISA scales – considering effects of inhomogeneous items; PISA and “real life challenges”: mission impossible?; PISA – undressing the truth or dressing up a will to govern?; Uncertainties and bias in PISA; Large-scale international comparative achievement studies in education: their primary purposes and beyond; The hidden curriculum of PISA – the promotion of neo-liberal policy by educational assessment; Deutsche Pisa-Folgen; PISA in Österreich: mediale Reaktionen, öffentliche Bewertungen und politische Konsequenzen; Epilogue: No Child, No School, No State Left Behind: comparative research in the age of accountability., (of via: )


Interview met Stefan Hopmann – die neue PISA-Studie

– Die Furche (österreichische Wochenzeitung), ‘Im Gespräch: Da wirden nur Schilder getauscht’, nr. 40, 15. November 2007

“Zuerst die Debatte um die ‘Neue Mittelschule’, jetzt banges Warten auf die neue PISA-Studie. Die Schule ist das große Thema dieses Herbstes, Stefan T. Hopman, professor für Schul- und Bildungsforschung an der Universität Wien, über die mangelnde Aussagekraft von PISA und den ‘unsinnigen’ Schulversuchs-Kompromiss der Regierung.”

“PISA muss einen ganz kleinen Bereich von Wissen finden, der überall gilt – und dann tut man so, als das könnte man von diesem kleinen Nukleus auf das gesamten Schulsystem schließen.”, (of via: )






Raad van Europa

Raad van Europa, Wikipedia (neutraal/objectief?)

"De Raad van Europa (afgekort: RvE, Frans: Conseil de l'Europe, Engels: Council of Europe) is een internationale organisatie met zetel in het Franse Straatsburg waarvan 47 Europese landen en hun bevolking van 800 miljoen inwoners lid zijn. Verder zijn 6 niet-Europese landen alsook Vaticaanstad waarnemer bij de RvE. De Raad is op 5 mei 1949 met het Verdrag van Londen opgericht door de 10 stichtende leden (onder andere België en Nederland)."

(verschil met andere internationale organisaties:) “De RvE te Straatsburg verschilt van de EU te Brussel en van de NAVO te Brussel, van de OVSE te Wenen en van de OESO te Parijs. De RvE wil door conventies en daarmee door gelijklopende nationale wetgeving alsook door de rechtspraak van het Europese Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens de democratie, de rechtsstaat en de mensenrechten in Europa zekerstellen.”, en Engelstalig (subjectief?):



Global education guidelines, 2010 – Onderwijs omtrent zich ontwikkelende landen

Chapter A – What is global education?; Definitions and declarations; Global education as transformative learning process;

Appendix 1 – Maastricht global education declaration;

Appendix 2 – Global education charter.

[democratische burgers; multicultureel; onderdrukking; vrede; mensenrechten – vanaf p. 60 'References'], [niet werkend:, via publications, education,


Teaching history

'Shared histories for a Europe without dividing lines'

“Nationalist interpretations and prejudice in history have long made of this subject a weapon rather than an instrument of knowledge and dialogue between countries. From early on, the Council of Europe has encouraged its Member States to confront and revise their textbooks in order to dispel the erroneous clichés and interpretations concerning their neighbour states.

Work in the field of history teaching, both in intergovernmental projects or through bilateral and regional cooperation focuses on issues related to the content of history textbooks to eliminate prejudice, on the modernisation of teaching programmes and curricula and on teacher training.

The publication of more objective textbooks, followed by a discussion of history teaching and educational programmes designed to present Europe as a whole, enabled the integration of questions concerning civilisation, culture, and values that had previously been neglected in traditional curricula.

After having helped teachers and students from across Europe to discover and understand their common history since 1989, the Council of Europe aims to promote a lively and attractive historical education which incorporates the study and understanding of great events: the teaching of memory, the prevention of crimes against humanity and the greater appreciation of the European dimension in the teaching of history.”, via Council of Europe,







Wet- en regelgeving, CAO's, verdragen, EU en OESO beleid –

Internationale ontwikkelingen, kritische organisaties, literatuur – 





Naast de OESO die ons richting een bepaalde onderwijsmethode manipuleert, is het de vraag of de Europese – v.h. economische – Unie vindt of de planning volgens schema verloopt. Waar u hiernavolgend 'Europe' [spreek uit: 'Yurp'] leest, moet u 'EU' begrijpen. De droom: het Europese continent met één homogene massa burgers. Bezuinigen op marketingstrategieën en verkoop van internationale producten voor één gebied zijn dan mogelijk.


Study of the Impact of Comenius Centralised Actions

– European Commission, 'Study of the Impact of Comenius Centralised Actions. Comenius Multilateral Projects and Comenius Multilateral Networks', executive summary, December 2012

"Comenius is the sub-programme focused on school education within the EU’s wider Lifelong Learning Programme (2007-0213).", "Through Comenius Centralised Actions the EU supports organisations from different countries working together to develop, promote and disseminate good practice and innovation in school education.", p. 2

"Collaboration and exchange between education professionals and institutions from different countries, cultures and backgrounds leads to a better, deeper understanding, and valuable strengthening of both Europe and education. Some of the most salient benefits include the following:

  • Development of an inclusive European identity and culture, and a sense of belonging together
  • A greater interest in the life and culture of other countries, including an interest in learning languages
  • Important gains in teachers’ professional development, through the exchange of professional experiences and transfer of good practice across Europe
  • A step towards closer coordination of educational principles, values, methodologies, content within Europe, synthesising while respecting the local and national identities and circumstances
  • A step towards a coherent system of recognition of professional skills in education across Europe
  • A better, richer understanding of the challenges and opportunities faced by education in Europe in the 21st century
  • Promotion of educational innovation which would not be initiated or produced in large parts of Europe at the local, regional or national level."

Uit: European Commission, 'Study of the Impact of Comenius Centralised Actions. Comenius Multilateral Projects and Comenius Multilateral Networks', executive summary, December 2012,, via, en lange lijst gesubsidieerde onderzoeken voor de Comenius gecentraliseerde multilaterale projecten en netwerken,

Niet vergeten: de mensenrechten blijven prominent op de lijst staan, Dan weten we bij wie we moeten zijn bij de Europese Vrijheid van Onderwijs.  






Watching out for ‘governance’

– Grahame Lock (faculty fellow European philosophy, Oxford University, UK; professor of political theory and philosophy, Radboud (Nijmegen), Leiden Universities, the Netherlands), , ‘Watching out for “governance”: the nature and future of an illusion’, Episteme, Revista de Epistemologia e Historia das Ciencias e das Tecnicas, ano VI, nos. 15–16–17, 19-37, 2006, oorspronkelijk Franstalig, 2001).

“Something of immense political significance is happening in the world. As far as I can make out, this development has – with a few extraordinary and praiseworthy exceptions – hardly been understood and treated in its true and full import. The phenomenon in question is the spread not just of the idea but of the practice of so-called “governance” – corporate governance, urban governance, European governance, world governance e tutti quanti. This spread of this “governance way” is what some commentators call the “end of democracy”. Not an insignificant occurrence.” (p. 1 in pdf)

“A European Commission Staff Working Document insists that the European Union is all about “involving” regional, local and non-governmental actors in “devising and implementing decisions” – it is about “accountability” to “stakeholders”. Thus it is clear, claims the document, that “the reform of European modes of governance is all about improving democracy in Europe”. Or is it perhaps just the opposite?

But governance, as we saw, is not only a European project. Many similar texts can be found, issuing from countless governmental, non-governmental and private sector organizations. All this literature on governance, Debuyst argues, is “bedecked with terms which create the illusion of a democratic and caring vision of the world…”

What might be the future of this illusion?” (p. 14 in pdf) (of via: ), en Grahame Lock,, zie ook: 'De onmenselijke maat en de "crisis in het onderwijs"', lezing prof. dr. Grahame Lock op BON-symposium, 4 april 2009,




Local effects of liberalising public services in the European Union, 2003

– Werner G. Raza (trade policy analyst, chamber of labour Vienna; lecturer, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien (Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration)), Valentin Wedl (legal expert European law, chamber of labour Vienna). ‘Local effects of liberalising public services in the European Union: a politico-economic and legal analysis’, 2003

“The concept behind this article is also that the “indirect” policy areas at European level in particular are much more relevant for local politics. The structural shifts key to the local authorities take place here in the current phase of radical change in particular. This includes a whole host of different policy fields (e.g. policies for the environment, gender, education and technology). Whilst these are not aimed primarily at the local level, they do have an indirect influence in a material as well as conceptual sense. However, the key EU policy field in the last 15 years with regard to this is the competition and internal market policy. This has changed the politico-economic structures of state and economy of the EU Member States permanently. It forms the most important transmission mechanism for realising the EU internal market, particularly the free movement of goods and services.”, of via:, publications, 2003 (Thematic Network of European economists, TN, to propose improvements of European Economic POlicy Co-ordination, EPOC, 2001-2004), en Werner Raza,








Europe Inc. Regional & Global Restructuring and the Rise of Corporate Power

Belén Balanyá, Ann Doherty, Olivier Hoedeman, Adam Ma’anit, and Erik Wesselius, 'Europe Inc., Regional & Global Restructuring and the Rise of Corporate Power' (ook), (Corporate Europe Observatory, Amsterdam), Pluto Press, (London), 2000, ISBN 0-7453-1496-1 (hb), ISBN 0-7453-1491-0 (pb) – 2 edition (September 20, 2003) – boek te lezen via*. Lobbyen algemeen*.

"Over the past two decades, the major international corporations have become industrial lobbyists within the European Union to such an extent that they pose a threat to democracy. This new and fully revised edition of Europe Inc. provides a much-needed insight into the systematic ways in which transnational corporations work through lobby groups to shape EU policy."



"Europe Inc documents how governments are persuaded "to increase competitiveness by dismantling and privatising public services, deregulating industry, and dismantling social and environmental protections."


KRITISCHE ARTIKELEN uit (extreem-)linkse hoek

A rough guide to the European Round Table of Industrialists

– Dr Noel Currid (Chairman of Kilburnmanifesto – Democracy Movement), ‘A Rough Guide to the European Round Table of Industrialists’, January 30, 2006 (via*; 'Europees links')

"The article draws a great deal upon Belen Balanya et al (2003) Europe Inc : Regional & Global Restructuring & the Rise of Corporate Power (London: Pluto Press). Unless otherwise indicated, the information in this article can be found in Chapter 3 of Europe Inc: "Writing the Script: The European Round Table of Industrialists," pp.19-36."



The hidden agenda of the European Union

– Mikael Nyberg, 'The hidden agenda of the European Union', 2000;  via* – onderaan

"At the Lisbon Council Meeting, 23-24 March this year, leaders of the EU proclaimed an agenda for economic renewal and "modernization" of social protection systems, driven by "the new knowledge economy".

This hype about an information society, where most people will have pleasant, creative and well-paid jobs, hides a type of production that depletes working people and the environment even more than before. Contrary to common belief, monotonous, production-line work in manufacturing industry is on the increase. The conveyor belt is not on the way out. It is being introduced into stages of production where it has not been used before, and its principles are being extended to more and more areas of the economy. The stockpiles that were buffers during swings of supply and demand are being eliminated. With deliveries between companies being made "just-in-time", the production process from subcontractors to assembling factories and market outlets functions like a huge conveyor belt.

Similar pressures on workers are introduced in the service sector, with call centres and fast food restaurants as the most glaring examples."



The green capitalists

Mikael NybergZweedse socialistische free-lance journalist, 'The green capitalists', 1998, 10. 'The European Round Table of Industrialists. Agenda: Social Cutbacks, New Motorways and Military Armament', p. 98-99 (idem*), via* – derde boek naar beneden; 'pdf copy of the book', inhoudsopgave*

"For these reasons, the Roundtable businessmen want to introduce the concept of “life-long learning”. This has nothing to do with a general increase in the knowledge requirements of working life. Of course, the large corporations need researchers, specialists and skilled workers, but the workers they are most interested in have other aptitudes. Schools should deliver “large numbers of very adaptable individuals able to tackle anything”, writes ERT. When these flexible, standard educated blue- and white-collar workers have been worn out, the corporations want to be able to exchange them for a fresh, updated batch.

”The new ways of structuring and managing business to ride through times of economic recession have… rendered obsolete the concept of life-long employment in large companies”, states ERT. “Life-long learning, on the other hand, opens the door to allow people to move easily to another job…”

Lifelong learning is not a life of all-round, creative work. It is a few decades of rushing between temporary employment and re-training, ending in unemployment and premature retirement from working life. Well concealed in the vision of the information society, with its ever-higher requirements of knowledge and skills, unemployment is redefined as a matter of personal short-comings, the failure of a less able one-third of the labour force to make the transition into the future."






Het bedrijfsleven heeft invloed op het onderwijs.

In Europees verband:

– *European Round Table of Industrialists* (ERT) is een belangrijk lobby-orgaan.

– *Business Europe* (NL: VNO-NCW*)

– *TransAtlantic Business Dialogue* (*TABD*).



ERT richt zich voornamelijk op het concurrentievermogen van de EU:


Education and European competence, 1989

– ERT, Education and European Competence, 1989: “This ground-breaking report, …, originated from a survey of training practices in ERT companies and called for an accelerated revitalistion of education and curricula throughout the education system to better equip citizens to live and work in the 21st Century. In particular it stressed the need for greater co-operation between industry and educational institutions, as well as the importance of technical and professional education and lifelong learning.”

Lifelong learning, 1992

– Lifelong learning, 1992

Education for Europeans, 1995

– 'Education for Europeans – towards the learning society', 1995  


– ERT, Lissabon-agenda*,


– ERT, Bologna* [en*ook*],

Wiskunde, (natuur)wetenschap en technologie

– Aandacht voor wiskunde, (natuur)wetenschap en technologie*. Ook*.

Europe 2025

– ERT, *Europa in 2025*, aanbevelingen 2025-beleid (barometers)  

Partnership between education, business and government

– ERT, Europa 2025: “Partnership between education, business and government.”


Investing in knowledge, 1997

– ERT, *Investing in Knowledge* – The Integration of Technology in European Education’, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven en ERT, februari 1997

“However the role of the teachers will change fundamentally for we are moving from a teaching to a learning model.” (B. Teachers, p. 9)

“The educational software market presents a significant opportunity for economic growth with resulting benefits for employment and social progress. The growth of this new industry will involve new partnerships both at national and European-wide level between teachers and software producers which governments at all levels should seek to foster.” (Technical and Financial Issues, A. Software, p. 13)

“Teachers will act as helpers who will lead the child through the learning process.” (p. 20 Link I Education Chain – Pre-school education; Kindergarten).

“I am always willing to learn, however I do not always like to be taught”. Winston Churchill (p. 33).


Gelijktijdige Europese ontwikkelingen

De ERT* zag de digitalisering reeds in 1995 zitten. Boeiend dat rond 1996 het concept van Het Nieuwe Leren – Lifelong Learning* – in de EU ingang vond. In 2002 kwam de SER met Het nieuwe leren: advies over een leven lang leren in de kenniseconomie*. De 'Internet Society' had toen al 'Navigeren op de informatie-oceaan'* gepubliceerd.

Robert-Jan Simons* (UU, Didactiek in digitale context), ‘New learning : implications for life long learning’*, paper presented at the Conference of the European Life Long Learning Initiative (ELLI), ‘the joy of learning’, Helsinki (Finland, June 16-20 1996) of *via J.2*. Zie ook *European Lifelong Learning Indicators (ELLI)*.

“Learning, however, can have different qualities. We need criteria then, in order to be able to distinguish better and worse forms of learning. The idea of ‘new learning’ is described as a beginning way to develop these criteria. After reaching the conclusion that there are many obstacles to learning, I will propose some solutions: different forms of life long learning will have to be taught and where-else can this been done than in schools? Process-oriented instruction, the proposed answer, will be described. Finally, some implications for workplace learning and the role of technology will be sketched.”

Zie ook:






Youth, the key to Europe's future, 2013

Microsoft, ‘Youth, the key to Europe’s future’, Brussels, 22 January 2013

“During the high-level event ‘Youth, the key to Europe’s future’ governments, nonprofit organizations, businesses as well as the young generation will discuss how to empower youth and thus the competitiveness of the European Union. Investing in technology, skills & training is front and center to Europe’s ability to innovate, drive sustainable growth and enhance workforce employability.”

“These 300 million young people are right here in the European Union.” (2e YouTube, aan einde).

Met: EU commissaris onderwijs, MS jurist, vertegenwoordigers internationale jeugdfora, voorzitter MS Europe, OESO beleidsanalist, senior directeur onderwijs MS Europe, Letse onderwijsspecialist, jonge technologieondernemers, EU directoraat generaal werkgelegenheid, CEO’s IT ondernemingen, onderwijspolitici uit diverse landen,,


Memoranda of Understanding

“Memoranda of Understanding with three pan-European organizations; the European Youth Forum, Telecentre Europe and Junior Achievement – Young Enterprise” (persbericht)



CISCO – Connected Learning



Transforming to 21st century pedagogy

‘Transforming to 21st century pedagogy’


Global Education Leaders Program (GELP)

‘Education 3.0’: ‘21st century learning’.

"In July 2011, Cisco transitioned ownership and management of GELP to the non-profit organization, The Innovation Unit."

Met: Cisco; The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation; The Koshland Foundation, Innovation Unit; Promethean; Hay Group; Harvard Graduate School of Education; McKinsey & Co; Bridge; Asia Education Founcation. [Londen; zie ‘steering group’], en Innovation Unit,


Cisco can help

“Cisco can help”, bijv. ‘global education’ (zie link)

“Cisco's Connected Learning portfolio of products, services, and solutions enables you to improve student outcomes, increase efficiency, enhance safety and security, and expand research capabilities.”


Equipping every learner for the 21st century, 2008

Cisco, ‘Equipping every learner for the 21st century: a white paper’, 2008

“A question often posed to us at Cisco is why the private sector is so invested in education. The answer is simple, but multifaceted.” [uitwerking in rapport]

“The core ideas were initiated by Cisco’s internal education strategists, but we have worked with many others to validate, develop, and refine them: including Sir Michael Barber, author of “How the World’s Best Performing School Systems Come Out on Top” (with Mona Mourshed, McKinsey, 2007); and Tony Mackay, director of the Melbourne-based Centre for Strategic Education. We have also consulted with CoSN, P21, and ISTE, which together represent a broad swath of expert opinion across the United States.”

Inhoudsopgave: The challenge; The high cost of low performance; Return on investment; System reform movement; A paradigm shift; Learners are changing; Employers need new skills; Can education adapt?; Collaboration and creativity; The Approach; Finding the path to 21st century learning; Holistic transformation; 21st century skills; 21st century pedagogy; Technology; 21st Century system leadership; The Vision: A global destination with local journeys; Next steps: a dialogue; End notes [literatuurlijst] (via:





Intel in education

“Intel is helping to transform the lives of millions worldwide through education, technology, and programs that challenge and inspire.”


Preparing future teacher for 21st century learning

Intel, ‘Preparing future teachers for 21st century learning: partnerships that enhance the capacity of pre-service education’, white paper, 2008 (door: Carol Oakley, Deakin University Faculty of Arts and Education Centre for Educational Leadership and Renewal, Australia)

“This paper focuses on a pre-service program designed to equip future teachers for their role in preparing students to live in a changing world. It draws from a three year study of the Intel® Teach Program Essentials Course, pre-service curriculum, conducted by evaluation teams in ten Asia Pacific countries and coordinated by Deakin University, Australia.”

“Across the participating countries, there is increasing recognition of the role of technology in preparing students for the 21st century. In many cases this is leading to the alignment of vision, goals and policies across governing education bodies, schools and Teacher Education Institutions. At the same time it is acknowledged that to adequately prepare future teachers, teacher educators need professional development, not only in technology skills and applications, but also in new pedagogical methods of incorporating technology into the classroom.”, p. 2 (Executive summary)


Intel® Education at Bett 2013

“Come see Intel® Education at Bett 2013, the premier education event inspiring minds through technology. Held at Excel London, January 30 through February 2, 2013, more than 30,000 visitors from around the world will attend to discover how technology can improve and enhance learning.”






Making industry-university partnerships work, 2012

Science Business Innovation Board, ’Making industry-university partnerships work. Lessons from successful collaborations’, Brussel, 2012

“In 2008 Microsoft , Cisco and Intel agreed to launch an industry-university partnership with the University of Melbourne that set out to transform education for the 21st century. Their goal was to have a game-changing impact by first identifying the higher-order skills that students need for success in schools and in the workforce and then transforming the assessment and teaching of these 21st-century skills. The partnership, called ATC21S – Assessment and Teaching of 21st Century Skills – focuses on the critical skill sets for a global knowledge economy.” (p. 13), via (Brussel; zie partners); opvatting over 'IP rights' bij case II (ach joh, niet belangrijk, het is geen onderzoek voor bedrijven; deze technische universiteit heeft publiceren niet op nr. 1 staan), p. 18






Wet- en regelgeving, CAO's, verdragen, EU en OESO beleid




“We help transform education systems and institutions to improve individual, social, and economic outcomes.”

“Our work focuses on the most pressing issues facing educators today: system performance transformation (…); education for employment (…); talent and performance management (…); administration and operations (…); institutional improvement (…).", en



GLOBAL, 2010

How the world's most improved school systems keep getting better, 2010

– Mona Mourshed, Chinezi Chijioke, Michael Barber, ‘How the world’s most improved school systems keep getting better’, McKinsey & Company, November 2010

“How does a school system with poor performance become good? And how does one with good performance become excellent?”

"In this new report, “How the world’s most improved school systems keep getting better,” we analyzed 20 systems from around the world, all with improving but differing levels of performance, examining how each has achieved significant, sustained, and widespread gains in student outcomes, as measured by international and national assessments.

Based on more than 200 interviews with system stakeholders and analysis of some 600 interventions carried out by these systems, this report identifies the reform elements that are replicable for school systems elsewhere as they move from poor to fair to good to great to excellent performance.

The systems we studied were Armenia, Aspire (a U.S. charter school system), Boston (Massachusetts), Chile, England, Ghana, Hong Kong, Jordan, Latvia, Lithuania, Long Beach (California), Madhya Pradesh (India), Minas Gerais (Brazil), Ontario (Canada), Poland, Saxony (Germany), Singapore, Slovenia, South Korea, and Western Cape (South Africa)." (zie opmerkingen onderaan), en 'full report', 


Executive summary

– Executive summary

"The report’s findings include the following eight highlights:

1 – A system can make significant gains from wherever it starts; 2 – There is too little focus on ‘process’ in the debate today; 3 – Each particular stage of the school system improvement journey is associated with a unique set of interventions; 4 – A system’s context might not determine what needs to be done, but it does determine how it is done; 5 – Six interventions occur equally at every performance stage for all systems; 6 – Systems further along the journey sustain improvement by balancing school autonomy with consistent teaching practice; 7 – Leaders take advantage of changed circumstances to ignite reforms; 8 – Leadership continuity is essential."

"This report outlines the aspects of these journeys that are universal, those that are context-specific, and how the two interact. We hope these experiences benefit school systems around the world in navigating their own path to improvement." 



GLOBAL, 2007

How the world's best performing schools systems come out on top

– Michael Barber, Mona Mourshed (global public sector), ‘How the world's best performing schools systems come out on top’, McKinsey & Company, September 2007

“This report is the result of research carried out by McKinsey & Company between May 2006 and March 2007. Its objective has been to understand why the world’s top—performing school systems perform so very much better than most others and why some educational reforms succeeded so spectacularly, when most others fail.” – Preface, p. 8 i.e. 11 in pdf

“Despite substantial increases in spending and many well-intentioned reform efforts, performance in a large number of school systems has barely improved in decades. Few of the most widely supported reform strategies (for instance, giving schools more autonomy, or reducing class sizes) have produced the results promised for them. Yet some school systems consistently perform better and improve faster than others. We studies 25 of the world’s school systems, including 10 of the top performers to find out why.” – Introduction: inside the black box, p. 10 i.e. 13 in pdf

“In many cases, extraneous factors hold back change and these problems need to be tackled first to enable the school system to implement policies and processes that will improve student performance. Context, culture, politics and governance will determine the course which system leaders must follow, as will their point of departure. Yet, ultimately, for achieving real improvement in outcomes, none of these things will be as important to the school system and its leaders as three guiding principles:

1) the quality of education system cannot exceed the quality of the teachers.

2) the only way to improve outcomes is to improve instruction and,

3) achieving universally high outcomes is only possible by putting in place mechanisms to ensure that schools deliver high-quality instruction to every child." – Conclusion: the system and the journey, p. 40, i.e. 43 in pdf… en en en Dirk Walters, ‘Hoger salaris leraren lost probleem niet op’ – interview met Sir Michael Barber, NRC Handelsblad, 12 november 2007,


– The Economist, ‘How to be top. What works in education: the lessons according to McKinsey’, World, International, October 18th 2007

“Now, an organisation from outside the teaching fold—McKinsey, a consultancy that advises companies and governments—has boldly gone where educationalists have mostly never gone: into policy recommendations based on the PISA findings. Schools, it says*, need to do three things: get the best teachers; get the best out of teachers; and step in when pupils start to lag behind. That may not sound exactly “first-of-its-kind” (which is how Andreas Schleicher, the OECD's head of education research, describes McKinsey's approach): schools surely do all this already? Actually, they don't. If these ideas were really taken seriously, they would change education radically.”…











EU (kerncompetenties) – VS ('21st century skills)

Danish Technological Institute, GHK Consultants, ‘Emerging Skills and Competences – A transatlantic study. EU-US Study for the European Commission. (DG Education), DG EAC 2011

“On both sides of the Atlantic, institutions and industry representatives see key competences and/or 21st century skills as key to employability, regardless choice of study.”

“There are major similarities between 21st century skills and key competences for example regarding the role that industry has played a strong role in promoting broader skills and competences.” Résumé, p. 6 (p. 7 in pdf), via 

De lobby van grote bedrijven ('globalism') bij USA en EU (enz.) leidt ertoe dat iedereen tot arbeider zou kunnen worden opgeleid. Grote woorden als kritisch denken, creativiteit, innovatie en communicatie kunnen niet verhullen dat we met een bordkartonnen opzet van doen hebben. De nadruk ligt op 'skills'.

Nederland is meer dan een doorvoerland van goederen. Bepaalt het internationale bedrijfsleven de agenda van het onderwijs? Waar is de kritische zin? 'One size fits all' ideologieën geven inspiratie voor ('global') onderwijsbeleid: 'kenniseconomie'. Waar komen hoger opgeleiden terecht? (streven VS: 60%; EU 2020: minstens 40% van 30-34 jarigen, aantrekkelijke leeftijdsgroep). Ik denk niet in innovatieve, maar in administratieve banen. Creatief cijferen? Innovatief managen? 😉 En de echte innovatie? ('offshoring'?). Onderwijs is voor het leggen van een gedegen basis ('core knowledge'). Het bedrijfsleven heeft een deel van het trainingsbudget doorgespeeld naar het onderwijs ('skills').






Framework for 21st century skills


"International organizations:

– Key competences for lifelong learning (EU)

– Competences for new millennium learners (OECD)

– ICT competency framework (UNESCO)

 Private sector:

– Partnership for 21st century skills (P21)

– EnGauge (Metiri group)

– Assessment and teaching of 21st century skills (ATCS)


– National educational technology standards (NETS)

– Technological literacy framework (NAEP)", p. 11

Uit: Universiteit Twente, ’21st century skills’, Joke Voogt. University of Twente (The Netherlands), Natalie Pareja Roblin. Ghent University (Belgium) , 'New Skills Network',, en 'Upgrading and matching skills to labour market needs: the "New Skills Network",






Het corporatisme bloeit in de EU.


European e-Skills 2013 Conference

"European e-Skills 2013 Conference, 'Measuring Progress', 10 December 2013; Marriott Hotel, Brussels (near Grand Place)

“The success of the long term EU e-Skills strategy requires the involvement of all stakeholders in dialogue and partnerships for actions. Earlier this year, the President of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso, launched a Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs at the conference on "e-Skills and Education for Digital Jobs" on 4th March 2013 in Brussels.

This is the background for this new event which will bring together leading experts in the field of e-skills from industry, business schools, universities, ICT and CIOs associations, trade unions and governments…”

The organisers: European Commission, DG Enterprise and Industry; Empirica

The supporting organisations: IE Business School; Henley Business School; INSEAD; Software Campus; ESMT; ENPC MBA Paris; EuroCio; European e-Skills Association; CIONET; Syntec Numérique; CEPIS; DIGITALEUROPE; Microsoft; NOKIA; Breyer Publico; Holtzbrinck; Digivaardig & Digiveilig.

Op 6 mei a.s. in Athene, Griekenland.

Gold sponsors: Cisco, IBM, Microsoft, Intrasoft, Samsung; Silver sponsors: Atcom, Oracle, Sony, Xerox; Supporters: o.m. Google, HP.



Subsidies 'make the world go round'. Sluit de markt, en verplicht dat nieuwkomers een certificaat moeten behalen. Zo vertegenwoordigt het corporatisme een gesloten netwerk. Hoewel, zijn Amerikaanse IT-bedrijven nu Amerikaans of Europees? Het is wachten op het vrijhandelsakkoord tussen de VS en de EU (namens NL).

Important sites:

– E-Skills for the 21st Century websiteDG Enterprise and Industry;

Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs website;

– European e-Competence Framework (e-CF) website;

– CEN Workshop on ICT Skills;

– e-Skills for Competitiveness and Innovation: Vision, Roadmap and Foresight Scenarios;

– Towards a European Quality label for ICT industry training and certification;

– E-Skills: the international dimension and the impact of globalisation;

European guidelines and quality labels for Curricula for e-leadership skills.;

– Monitoring and benchmarking e-skills policies and partnerships in Europe;

– Fostering the ICT Profession in Europe;

– Professional e-Competence in Europe;

– Monitoring e-skills demand and supply in Europe;

Evaluation of the Implementation of the Communication on e-Skills for the 21st Century;

– Strengthening e-skills for innovation in Europe;

– E-skills for cloud computing, cyber-security and Green IT;

– e-Skills multi-stakeholder partnerships and initiatives;

– OECD: ICT Skills and Employment;















– Prof. dr. Georg Lind (psycholoog, Universität Konstanz, Duitsland), ‘Kompetenz’, Bildung und Wissen, 26 01 13, Duitsland

“Kompetenz, so definierte ich damals, umfasst vier Aspekte des Wissens: Fakten-Wissen (Informationen), Verstehens-Wissen, Anwendungs-Wissen, und Verantwortungs-Wissen, und sie umfasst mehr als verbalisierungsfähiges Wissen, nämlich auch unser ganzes automatisiertes, unbewusstes, stilles Wissen." – p. 2

“Mit PISA wurde das Wort "Kompetenz" in die breite Schulöffentlichkeit eingeführt. Dabei ist das Kunststück gelungen, diesen Begriff seiner Bedeutung fast ganz zu entkleiden. Zwar finden sich einzelne Hinweise auf die Formen des Wissens, die oben beschrieben stehen, in den Vorworten zu den PISA-Publikationen, aber auf die Ausgestaltung der PISA-Erhebungen und -Analysen hat der umfassende Kompetenzbegriff offenbar keinen Einfluss gehabt. Im Gegenteil, gegenüber dem Wissensverständnis der meisten Lehrkräfte hat PISA Wissen weiter reduziert, nämlich auf das, was in das dort verwendete statistische Auswertungsmodell (Item Response-Theorie) passt – und das ist sehr wenig.” – p. 3

"Die Benotung von Lernleistungen anhand von Lernzielen ist schon schwer genug (und bis heute umstritten). Aber die Benotung von Kompetenzen stellt ein Paradoxon dar, wenn man Kompetenz auf die individuelle Lernbiographie bezieht oder sie gar – was gemäß der Rothschen Definition von Kompetenz als Mündigkeit durchaus konsequent wäre – in Bezug auf die individuellen Lernziele definiert. Der Lehrer müsste dann bei allen Schülern ermitteln, wie gut diese ihre eigenen Lernziele erreicht haben. Sofern er dies nicht tut, bliebe nur ein sehr oberflächliches Urteil über verschiedene „Kompetenzen“, das noch angreifbarer wäre als die jetzige Notengebung." – p. 4, (of via: ), Georg Lind,, Gesellschaft für Bildung und Wissen,, en Heinrich Roth, (via:


U-Multirank – und täglich grüßt der Bertelsmann

– dr. Matthias Burchardt (algemene pedagogiek, Institut für Bildungsphilosophie, Universität zu Köln, Geschäftsführung der GBW), ‘U-Multirank – und täglich grüßt der Bertelsmann', Bildung und Wissen, 11 01 13

"Die im Namen von PISA und Bologna etablierten Programme ökonomistisch-technokratischer Menschenzurichtung dagegen, haben alle eines gemeinsam: Sie sind weder einem breiten wissenschaftlichen Diskurs zugeführt worden, noch könnten sie erfolgreiche Vorerfahrungen aus der Praxis für sich verbuchen. Das Gegenteil ist der Fall: substantielle wissenschaftliche Kritik wurde weitgehend ignoriert oder als rückwärtsgewandt diffamiert, und die Reformvorbilder aus den Vereinigten Staaten zeigen in ihrem praktischen Scheitern ein desaströses Bild (Vgl. Ravitch, 2011)."

"Dass die EU sich nun trotzdem für das Ranking entschieden hat, zeigt, dass es nicht um die Sache der Wissenschaft oder Bildung geht, sondern um Fragen der Macht, denn das Ranking ist kein Erkenntnis- sondern ein Herrschaftsinstrument. Akademische Wirklichkeit soll nicht erfasst, sondern normiert und transformiert werden. Wer die Hoheit über die Kriterien hat, gestaltet die Hochschulen der Zukunft." [U-Multirank das Bertelsmann-Hochschulranking (CHE – Centrum für Hochschulentwicklung) auf europaweit 500 Hochschulen], en Matthias Burchardt,, Gesellschaft für  Bildung und Wissen,

Diane Ravitch,, en, en (Blog: Internationale ontwikkelingen, kritische organisaties, literatuur – internationale literatuur, Verenigde Staten, Diane Ravitch, left back: a century of battles over school reform),



Competenties wiskunde:

The consequences of competence orientation in maths

– Hans Peter Klein (Lehrstuhl für Didaktik der Biowissenschaften, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt), Thomas Jahnke (Lehrstuhl für Didaktik der Mathematik, Universität Potsdam), ‘The consequences of competence orientation in maths’, Journal für Didaktik der Biowissenschaften (JfdB) 2, (2012) 1-9

“New competency-based examinations have recently been introduced in many federal states in Germany.”

“Sixty three per cent of them achieved the lowest grade, “ungenügend” (6) on the typical German 6-scale grading. This was because the students were unable to answer the questions. Furthermore, the evaluation of the competency-based tasks and additional work sheet material provided showed that most of the information necessary to answer the questions correctly was provided for the students, in detailed descriptions, figures and tables. Thus, reading competence and everyday knowledge, not mathematical understanding, was entirely sufficient to fulfil most of the tasks successfully. Even basic mathematical knowledge was redundant.”, (via:


Competenties bio(medische) wetenschappen:

The new competence orientation: excellence or leveling effect?

– Hans Peter Klein (Lehrstuhl für Didaktik der Biowissenschaften, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt), ‘The new competence orientation: excellence or leveling effect?’, Journal für Didaktik der Biowissenschaften (F) 1, 1-11 (2012), (via







Europe 2020 flagship initiatives

Europe 2020 flagship initiatives

'Propose digital literacy and competences as a priority for the European Social Fund regulation (2014-2020)' (commission, key action 10)., p. 26 (27 in pdf), ,






Kerncompetenties (of: sleutelcompetenties): nr. 4 Digitale competentie

Kerncompetenties voor een leven lang leren (2006): nr. 4 – ‘Digitale competentie’ (uit: Lissabonstrategie 2000-2010) ."Digitale competentie omvat de vertrouwdheid met en het kritische gebruik van technologieën van de informatiemaatschappij voor het werk, in de vrije tijd en voor communicatie. Zij wordt onderbouwd door basisvaardigheden in ICT: het gebruik van computers om informatie op te vragen, te beoordelen, op te slaan, te produceren, te presenteren en uit te wisselen, en om via internet te communiceren en deel te nemen aan samenwerkingsnetwerken." (p. 7),





Education and training monitor 2012.

EU Education and training monitor 2012, 6.3 ICT skills, p. 35-36 (‘one of the Europe 2020 flagship initiatives’),  (via:











Partnership for 21st century skills (P21)

Partnership for 21st century skills (P21) – doelstelling

“As the United States continues to compete in a global economy that demands innovation, P21 and its members provide tools and resources to help the U.S. education system keep up by fusing the 3Rs and 4Cs (Critical thinking and problem solving, Communication, Collaboration, and Creativity and innovation).”

“The Framework presents a holistic view of 21st century teaching and learning that combines a discrete focus on 21st century student outcomes (a blending of specific skills, content knowledge, expertise and literacies) with innovative support systems to help students master the multi-dimensional abilities required of them in the 21st century.”, en




Geruststellend dat de voorzitter directeur is van 'Cable in the classroom', en het bestuur van P21 bezet wordt door mensen van Lego education, softwarebedrijven, en een onderwijs ISP. 'Partnershop'?


The 3Rs and 4Cs

“As the United States continues to compete in a global economy that demands innovation, P21 and its members provide tools and resources to help the U.S. education system keep up by fusing the 3Rs and 4Cs.”

“1. Core Subjects.

The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, which reauthorized the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, identifies the core subjects as English, reading or language arts; mathematics; science; foreign languages; civics; government; economics; arts; history; and geography.

2. 21st Century Content.

Several significant, emerging content areas are critical to success in communities and workplaces. These content areas typically are not emphasized in schools today:

Global awareness; Financial, economic, business and entrepreneurial literacy; Civic literacy; Health and wellness awareness; Environmental literacy.

3. Learning and Thinking Skills.

As much as students need to learn academic content, they also need to know how to keep learning — and make effective and innovative use of what they know — throughout their lives. Learning and Thinking Skills are comprised of:

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills; Communication Skills; Creativity and Innovation Skills; Collaboration Skills; Information and Media Literacy Skills; Contextual Learning Skills

4. ICT Literacy.

Information and communications technology (ICT) literacy is the ability to use technology to develop 21st century content knowledge and skills in support of 21st century teaching and learning.

5. Life Skills.

Good teachers have always incorporated life skills into their pedagogy. The challenge today is to incorporate these essential skills into schools deliberately, strategically and broadly. Life skills include:

Leadership; Ethics; Accountability; Adaptability; Personal Productivity; Personal Responsibility; People Skills; Self Direction; Social Responsibility, en P21,






21st century skills [slideshow]

Universiteit Twente, ’21st century skills’, Joke Voogt. University of Twente (The Netherlands), Natalie Pareja Roblin. Ghent University (Belgium), 'New Skills Network',, en 'Upgrading and matching skills to labour market needs: the "New Skills Network",






Assessment & teaching of 21st century skills

ATC21S – Assessment & Teaching of 21st Century Skills

“ATC21S is an international research effort aimed at empowering students with the right skills to succeed in the 21st-century workplace.”

“Transforming education for the 21st-century is a global issue that requires a worldwide partnership among governments, educators, academics and industries to make a real and sustainable difference.

Led by the University of Melbourne, ATC21S is a worldwide collaboration sponsored by Cisco, Intel and  Microsoft.” (zie: ‘team’ en ‘acknowledgment’, bijvoorbeeld Schleicher van OESO, PISA)



Vragen over sponsoring, en:

"We hope to have our recommendations completed in time to influence the next versions of PISA and SITES, slated to roll out in 2013 and 2015, and help countries prepare for these new assessments., en  








Wet- en regelgeving, CAO's, verdragen, EU en OESO beleid –



De tien beste landen voor leraren

Online Colleges, 'The 10 best countries to be a teacher', USA, 16 augustus 2011

1. Luxemburg; 2. Finland; 3. Japan; 4. Zweden; 5. Engeland; 6. Australië; 7. Zuid-Korea; 8. Denemarken; 9. Singapore; 10. Zwitserland.

“Though this list by no means discusses every country where it’s good to be a teacher, it does point out some of the places where they receive the most respect, professional treatment, benefits, pay and opportunities for advancement.” – ook*.

Lijstjes… [hoe komen ze tot stand?]




Bouwen aan een leraarsberoep van hoge kwaliteit

De Organisatie voor Economische Samenwerking en Ontwikkeling* (OESO*) heeft een rapport uitgebracht: 'Building a High-Quality Teaching Profession; Lessons from around the world' (2011).
Teacher education: Nederland; EU; OESO; UNESCO (en ERT).

De aandacht lijkt te zijn verschoven van 'het nationale systeem' naar 'de pedagogie' naar 'de leraar' (met de juiste pedagogie)? [je moet toch wat]

We beginnen vanuit het stenen tijdperk opnieuw het leraarsberoep op te bouwen. Aan bijvoorbeeld OESO, PISA hebben 76 landen, waarvan circa 36 OESO-lid, in de loop der tijd op een of andere wijze meegedaan. Zinvol om naar het gras van de buren te kijken, terwijl ons voorheen uitstekende onderwijs wordt afgebroken.



Center on International Education Benchmarking (CIEB)

Center on international education benchmarking (CIEB), Washington, USA

"CIEB (..) conducts research on the world’s most successful education systems. It offers access to information, analysis, and opinion on the education systems of the top-performing countries through its web portal. In addition, the Center issues a monthly newsletter for people interested in keeping up-to-date on the strategies used by the top-performing countries."

"When U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan asked the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) to produce a report for the United States on the strategies used by the top-performing countries, the OECD asked NCEE to produce the report under their supervision. The report, Strong Performers and Successful Reformers: Lessons from PISA for the United States, was released in December 2010. In May 2011, NCEE released Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: An American Agenda for American Education reform, a paper calling for a new U.S. education reform agenda based on the strategies of the top-performing nations."

"Most recently, NCEE released Surpassing Shanghai: An Agenda for American Education Built on the World’s Leading Systems, a book examining the education systems that are leading the world in student performance to find out what strategies are working and how they might apply to the United States."

[Australia, Canada, Finland, Hong Kong, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Shanghai-China, Singapore, South Korea]



Nederland bij de 'top performing countries', NCEE

Arbeidsvoorwaarden: “In the Dutch system, the schools are responsible for hiring teachers, but teachers’ compensation and working conditions are set by national negotiations between the government and the teachers union.”

Lerarenopleiding: “The Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science is responsible for setting the standards for entrance into the teacher education institutions, for the curriculum of those institutions and for teacher licensure, thereby giving it substantial control over the quality of teachers in the Netherlands.” (met uitwerking)

Leraren: “In recent years, the Netherlands has developed a severe shortage of teachers. This appears to be the result of a combination of factors, some of them demographic, some economic, some having to do with a decline in the perceived status of teachers and some having to do with what the teachers perceive as government intruding in recent years on their professional prerogatives.”

[Australia, Canada, Finland, Hong Kong, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Shanghai-China, Singapore, South Korea], en National Center on Education and the Economy (NCEE), Washington, USA,, "Since 1988, NCEE has been researching the world's best performing education systems to unlock their secrets."







Europese sociale onderwijspartners – 'werkgevers'

European Federation of Education Employers (EFEE).
Algemeen secretaris* (prioriteiten*); CAOP* (zie); ook.

NL leden: VO-Raad en PO-Raad; activiteiten.

“Wij zijn erkend door de Europese Commissie (EC) als officiële Europese Sociale Partner in onderwijs en nemen deel aan de Europese Sociale Dialoog*, samen met onze partner ETUCE* (Europese vakbond leraren).

Als officiële gesprekspartner van de EC vertegenwoordigen wij werkgevers in de onderwijssector uit heel Europa, vanuit alle onderwijslagen: basisonderwijs, voortgezet onderwijs, MBO, HBO, Universiteiten, volwassen onderwijs.” – hier


Europese sociale onderwijspartners – 'werknemers'

European Trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE) – Leden*:

European Union legislation* (Articles 154-155 TF-EU*ook*) allows for social partners to create their own Sectoral Social Dialogue*at EU level. The Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee in Education*(ETUCE-CSEE) will be a permanent forum for unions and employers in education to discuss sectoral issues, exchange information and share good practices. The Committee will also deliver joint declarations and statements* as well as common tools strengthening a European approach to education.” – Lifelong Learning*

“The European Commission has launched a new social dialogue committee for the education sector after four years of campaigning by unions to bring the social partners in the sector together. Its first plenary session took place in Brussels on 11 June 2010*and the new committee will address a range of relevant issues, including the teaching, working and learning environment, the impact of demographic trends on the sector, budgetary constraints and recruitment and retention issues.” Nederlandse uitleg*; ook*.


Europese instellingen lerarenopleiding

ETUCE*, 'Teacher Education in Europe'*, 2008.
EU, Professional development of teachers*; Thematic Working Group on the Professional Development of Teachers*; Marco Snoek*(blog*).
OESO, ‘Teachers Matter’, 2005 – NL samenvatting* met op p. 4 beleidsimplicaties; overzicht*; boek*.

OCW, Actieplan Leraar 2020*; Nota Werken in het onderwijs 2012*; Kwaliteit lerarenopleidingen*; Onderwijspersoneel*; Lerarenbeurs*.


Organisaties lerarenopleiding

ATEE: The Association for Teacher Education in Europe*;

CEDEFOP: European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training*;

EAPRIL: European Association for Practitioner Research on Improving Learning in education and professional practice*; bestuur*; Frank de Jong*;

EARLI: European Assocation for Research on Learning and Instruction*; voorzitter*; leden*; Jos Beishuizen*; Maaike Endedijk*;

EERA: European Educational Research Associations*; leden*;

EIPEE: Evidence Informed Policy in Education in Europe*; project partners*; Hans Stegeman*;

ENTEP: European Network on Teacher Education Policies*;

ETF: European Training Foundation*;

ITQ project: Identifying-Teacher-Quality Project*– Wet BIO; deelnemers*

Share.TEC*; partners*; ook*;

TEPE: Teacher Education Policy in Europe*;

TNTEE: The Thematic Network on Teacher Education*.

EHON: Expertisenetwerk Hoger Onderwijs*;

VELON: Vereniging Lerarenopleiders Nederland*;

VOR: Vereniging voor Onderwijs Research*.



Teacher education in The Netherlands

Marco Snoek* (‘professor' HvA), ’Teacher education in The Netherlands'– Balancing between autonomous institutions and a steering government’, Ljubljana 2011
(in: ‘European Dimensions of Teacher Education'. Landen: Rusland, vm. Oostblok, Scandinavië, Nederland en Frankrijk) – 'biografie', p. 328. *ook*.

“Therefore, teachers feel that the growing autonomy of schools has led to a decrease in the professional autonomy of teachers. This has been expressed by a teacher pressure group that conveys the opinion of many teachers to the media (Verbrugge c.s. 2006).” (3. Autonomy and government control; p. 57)


“A policy focusing on improving the status of the teaching profession and reducing the professional isolation of teachers has emerged since 1993 (…).
The main elements of this policy are:
a. Developing professional profiles for teachers that emphasize the professionalism of teachers; b. Developing career paths for teachers and incentives for lifelong learning; c. Focusing on teaching as a collaborative profession and on schools as learning communities; d. Increasing the attractiveness of the profession by raising salaries; e. Developing coherent human resource policies in schools, including the involvement of schools in initial teacher education; f. Supporting novice teachers by redesigning teacher education in order to reduce the praxis shock and by introducing induction programmes; g. Strengthening the profession by creating professional bodies that take responsibility for the quality of the profession by developing professional standards and a professional register."
(4 Teacher quality; 4.1 Teacher policy, p. 58 – mijn toevoeging letters in opsomming)

Sympathisant: Wordt het in groepsverband levenslang leren? Vaardighedenonderwijs? Inhoud? De doorlooptijd van wiskunde-, Nederlands-, en aardrijkskundekennis is zo kort. Vanwege de EU geldt dit zeker voor Nederlands (circa 17 miljoen inwoners) en aardrijkskunde. Ronkende taal die de werkelijkheid moet verhullen (als daar in de hogere regionen tenminste besef van is). Wat moet dat heerlijk efficiënt zijn voor 27 lidstaten (in juli 2013: 28), dat wil zeggen bijna 500 miljoen mensen tegelijk te mogen beslissen. VS telt er maar 300 miljoen. Kijk meteen naar de democratische stemverhouding: Terwijl EU uit EEG (economisch) komt, telt bewonersaantal in plaats van BNP. Inderdaad democratischer, zeker met de nieuwe lidstaten. Ik zie nog een paar witte plekken op de kaart van Europa. Daar wordt gelukkig aan gewerkt, zie ik Hoe is het mogelijk het onderwijs op één hoop te gooien voor 28 lidstaten? Dat kan alleen maar met een abstracte ideologie van doelmatigheid, 'competenties' en 'levenslang leren'. Er gaat een verschralende werking van uit. Daar zijn we al achter. Waarom stopt men niet? Welke private (en publieke) belangen zitten er achter het eenheidsstreven? En dan heb ik het niet over de 'civil society', dat wil zeggen de mensen met een burgerbelang van goed onderwijs voor hun kinderen (u weet wel wat ik daar onder versta, denk aan BON).


“Apart from such specific roles in schools that are related to special salary scales, professional development activities are not stimulated, as they do not lead to an increase in salary or status. This lack of an incentive for teachers to get involved in professional development courses and the lack of career paths for teachers are recognized as a problem in the Dutch educational system.” (4.3 Lifelong learning and career opportunities, p. 60)

”While other countries have defined the *competences* that are expected of teachers in formal documents of one to six pages, in The Netherlands they are defined in a formal document that is twenty-one pages long (Snoek et al. 2009*via*via*).

The new knowledge bases for teachers add a large number of pages to this. Thus, although the Dutch policy seems to be based on deregulation and autonomous institutions, it appears that this deregulation is based on extensive control through long lists of criteria that teacher education programmes have to meet.” (8. Balancing between autonomous institutions and a steering government; 3. the quality of teacher educators, p. 79)












USA: streven 60% hoger opgeleiden

Streven: 60% hoger opgeleiden





Strategie van Lissabon: 50% hoger opgeleiden in 2010

“Met zijn uitspraak zet *Zijlstra* de in Europees verband afgesproken percentages opzij. Tot nu toe had Nederland zich verbonden aan de 'Lissabonstrategie' (50 procent hoger opgeleiden in 2010) en aan Europa 2020 (40 procent hoger opgeleiden in 2020).”

Eurostat: “The share of the population aged 30-34 years who have successfully completed university or university-like (tertiary-level) education with an education level ISCED 1997 (International Standard Classification of Education) of 5-6. This indicator measures the Europe 2020 strategy's headline target to increase the share of the 30-34 years old having completed tertiary or equivalent education to at least 40% in 2020.”

OCW: "Minimaal hoger onderwijs".



Europa 2020: 40% hoger opgeleiden

* Europa 2020: *Nationale doelstellingen* (NL: 40-45% hoger opgeleiden)
* Europa 2020: *Kerndoelstellingen*
* Eurostat – Europe 2020: *Tertiary educational attainment*; *Headline indicators*
* OCW – Europa 2020: *cijfers*

'Europa 2020' is de opvolger van de ‘Lissabonstrategie’ welke tot 2010 liep.


Diverse indicatoren en referentiekaders

* EU Commission, 'Progress towards the *Lisbon objectives in education and training*, Indicators and benchmarks 2009.
* Europes Commissie: *Evaluatie van de Lissabonstrategie*, 2 februari 2010.

* Eurobarometer: *Perceptions of Higher Education Reforms*, Survey among teaching professionals in higher education institutions in the 27 Member States, *Gallup Organization*, No. 198, March 2007.

[Waar u op de EU-website ‘Europa’ leest, dient u ‘EU’ te begrijpen.]


Europese Commissie, Education and Culture *DG*, News, *EU education report: good progress, but more effort needed to achieve targets*, 19 april 2011 of *hier*.

EU Commission, ‘Progress towards the common *European objectives in education and training*, Indicators and benchmarks 2010/2011 of *hier*, 15 april 2011.

U ziet het, de EU beheerst voor een groot deel het nationale OCW-beleid. EU ('Europa'): competenties, beroepenregisters, beroepskaart, hoger onderwijs, beroepsonderwijs, innovatie enz.



EU: streven minstens 40% 30-34 jarigen hoger opgeleid

Europe 2020

"In the area of higher education, the Europe 2020 Strategy set the headline target that at least 40% of 30-34 year olds should have a tertiary degree or an equivalent qualification by 2020. Eurostat provides relevant data based on the Labour Force Survey (LFS). The graph shows the position of Member States in relation to the headline target. Another yardstick for assessing performance is the EU average." – minstens 40% van 30-34 jarigen, een aantrekkelijke leeftijdsgroep, en, en






Tuning: mondiaal harmoniseringsproject universitair onderwijs

Tuning USA: verschil EU-USA

European Commission, DG Education and culture, 'Co-operation in higher education between the United States of America and the European Union to produce a robust methodology to evaluate the application of the Tuning approach', Negotiated procedure EAC/59/2010, EAC-2010-1243

“The most significant difference in approach is that in Europe the conceptual axis around which everything revolved was the idea of ‘student-centeredness’: a very central aim in Tuning EU was to create tools to help make the epochal shift from the input-based approach of traditional universities to the output-based student centred approach. This theme, continually repeated in the European material, does not seem to be central to the thinking in the Tuning USA report (whilst it is a major element in the higher education debate now taking place in the USA).”p. 12 (13 in pdf) – Tuning USA Pilot project (‘global comparability and compatibility’, ‘outcomes-based forms of education’) p. 15 (16 in pdf),, (via ‘Policy dialogue’,, en Tuning USA, Zie NL: (Tuning: globaal harmoniseringsproject voor universitair onderwijs)

"The 2012 EU-US Education Policy Forum will examine how higher education contributes to the knowledge economy and society.", 'a work in progress report was made to the US-EU Education Policy Forum in Washington D.C. in November 2011',, en 'joint statement', 11 oktober 11 2010,   







Basis: Bolognaverklaring (niet democratisch tot stand gekomen)


Wet- en regelgeving, CAO's, verdragen, EU en OESO beleid –




Kenniseconomie, EU, Europa, globalisme, competenties, 21st century skills, wereldbank, oeso, unesco, lifelong learning, het nieuwe leren, computer, digitale geletterdheid, literacy, Bildung, knowledge economy, vaardigheden, kennis, harmonisering, citizen, burgers, harmonisering, benchmarking, indicatoren, quota, e-learning, eLearning, Kompetenz, globale, competency-based, Bildungspolitik, OECD, Lernen, WTO, governance, regulation, Bildungsreform, Schule, competence  


* Zie ook: *